【VMPU】 Volume5 Unit6~10のまとめ
ボキャマラも5巻に入って、あと少しだなあと実感してきました。四択の王様で毎日総復習・予習のようなことをしているせいか、テキストの中になじみの単語が増えているような気がします。が、週末でReviewでまとめテストをやってみると、意味が書けない単語がゴロゴロ・・・涙。一通りチェック。be swamped with:で圧倒されるto suddenly give someone a lot of work, problems etc to deal withWe've been swamped with phone calls since the advert appeared.広告が掲載されて以降、電話の呼び出しに圧倒されている。eviction:立ち退きevict:[transitive]to tell someone legally that they must leave the house they are living inThe family now faces eviction from their home.その家族は現在、彼らの家からの立ち退きに直面している。as of:現在でas from/of something:starting from a particular time or date and continuingAs of now, there will be no more paid overtime.現時点で、もはや残業はないだろう。composure:落ち着き [uncountable] ← なぜか「慰め」と間違う・・・the state of feeling or seeming calmThe widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure.未亡人は涙にくれていたが、彼女の娘は落ち着きを保っていた。comfort:慰めemotional [uncountable] if someone or something gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappyWhenever he was upset, he would turn to her for comfort and advice.彼は起こった時はいつでも、彼女に慰めとアドバイスを求めた。turn to ~ for comfort:慰めを~に求めるturn to ~ for inspiration:~を心のよりどころにするturn to religion for help :宗教に助けを求めるpoise:冷静 [uncountable]a calm, confident way of behaving, combined with an ability to control your feelings or reactions in difficult situationsLouisa seems to have much more poise and confidence.ルイーザはさらに冷静さと自信を持っているように思える。run counter to:に背くto be the opposite of something:Some actions by the authorities ran counter to the president's call for leniency.当局によるいつくかの行動は大統領の情状酌量に背いていた。insecurity:自信のなさ↑不安定と思っていたら、「自信のなさ」と訳があって、違うのかなあと思ったけど、不安定という意味もあったので、なあーんだ・・・bravado:空威張り [uncountable]behaviour that is deliberately intended to make other people believe you are brave and confidentaffront:侮辱[countable usually singular]a remark or action that offends or insults someonemockery:あざ笑い [uncountable] when someone laughs at someone or something or shows that they think they are stupidThere was a hint of mockery in his voice.彼の声に嘲笑を感じた。infatuation:のぼせあがり [uncountable and countable]a strong feeling of love for someone or interest in something, especially a feeling that is unreasonable and does not continue for a long timegaiety:浮かれ気分 old-fashioned [uncountable]when someone or something is cheerful and fun↓gay :old-fashioned cheerful and excited:She felt excited and quite gay.こんな意味もあるんだ。indulgence:ふけること[uncountable] the habit of allowing yourself to do or have whatever you want, or allowing someone else to do or have whatever they wantHe is now awaiting a prosthesis(義足), a very rare indulgence for a farm animal. And the same technician who fitted Brown with a new artificial leg is also designing Albie's.↑ヘラトリよりA rescued goat gets a chance for a normal life最初何のことかわからなくて、とりあえず、この記事を一通り拾い読みしてわかりました。動物にも義足をという話。何か今さらって感じだけど。ペットブームだからもっと前からそういうことってやってるのかと思ってました。console:を慰めるto make someone feel better when they are feeling sad or disappointed↑動詞があって、名詞もあるから、こちらは「慰め」?と思いきや、違います。[countable]a flat board that contains the controls for a machine, piece of electrical equipment, computer etcコンソールってカタカナで定着してますねー、コンピュータの世界では。だから余計に「を慰める」が思い浮かばなくて・・・涙。complacency:ひとりよがり [uncountable] ← commonplaceと勘違い・・・恥a feeling of satisfaction with a situation or with what you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things - used to show disapprovalintrepid:恐れを知らぬwilling to do dangerous things or go to dangerous places - often used humorouslyA few intrepid surfers continued to ignore the shark advisory.↑ヘラトリよりCalifornians head to the beach, but keep an eye out for killer sharkうわ。すごい、命知らず。funk:落ち込みin a (blue) funk:American English informalvery unhappy, worried, or afraidShe's in a funk about giving her talk on Sunday.落ち込んでいるresolute:意志の固い adjectivedoing something in a very determined way because you have very strong beliefs, aims etc↑New Year resolution じゃん・・・ボキャビル(R)マラソン・パワーアップコース