navigate:Function: verb Meanings:1 : to find the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane, car, etc.カーナビ、でばっちり。Examples:[no object] For thousands of years, sailors navigated by the stars.How about if you drive and I navigate?↑カーナビが当たり前になりつつあるので、こういう言い方もしなくなるんでしょうねえ・・How about if you drive and I sip a cup of coffee next to you? とか(笑)[with object]I’d need a map to navigate the city. Note: Navigate in this sense is often used figuratively.Example:We have had to carefully navigate (our way) through a maze of rules and regulations.2 a : to sail on, over, or through an area of waterExamples:[with object]Only flat-bottomed boats can safely navigate the canal.[no object]He has learned to navigate in rough waters. 2 b : to travel on, over, or through (an area or place)Examples:[with object] The downtown area is easily navigated on foot.She has trouble navigating the stairs with her crutches.crutch:松葉杖確かに松葉杖だと、階段は大変だ[no object]It took us 10 minutes to navigate through the parking lot to the exit. 3 [with object] : to control the direction of (something, such as a ship or airplane) : steer2の意味と似通ってるけどExamples:The captain navigated the ship.He has had experience navigating airplanes through storms. Note: Navigate in this sense is often used figuratively.Example:She has carefully navigated the company through some difficult times.「舵取り」という表現は日本語でもよく比ゆ的に使われていますね 4 computers : to go to different places on the Internet or on a particular Web site in order to find what you wantExamples:[with object]You navigate this site by clicking on the pictures.There are a number of browsers that can be used to navigate the Web/Internet.[no object]A fast connection makes it easier to navigate on the Internet.--ついに、楽しいボールペン字講座が届きました!わーい。でも、いきなり、住所は間違ってるし、電話番号は本社の会社のだし・・・。よく、宅配ボックスに間違わずに届いてたものです。開封はしましたが、まだやってません。一応、やるのは明日からにしようと思っています。ブログにどんなふうに記録を残すかとか、とりあえず、そんなことを考えようと思っていまして(笑)。