●2024-09-16 Islam イスラムについて
(注:グーグル翻訳による機械翻訳イスラム教には地獄と天国があり、私たちがすることすべてについて質問されます。この宇宙は永遠ではなく、目的のために乱用されたり恣意的になったりするのではなく、非常に正確に創造されています。 仏教はヒンズー教と比較すると現代の哲学であり、ヒンズー教はキリスト教やユダヤ教と同じように、唯一の神から33万人、そして数百万の創造主へと変形しました。 コーランを日本語で読むことをお勧めします。すべての固定観念や偏見を取り除いてから読んでください。自分に宛てられたものとして読んでから判断してください。これは(インターネットアーカイブ)のウェブサイトで入手できます。+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++●Saeedさんへ一部、YouTubeで紹介させていただきました。https://youtu.be/SG-K63fPOPo はやし浩司++++++++++++++++++++++++(From Saeed to Hiroshi)@HAPPYMEGALO Sep. 17th, 2027 -My name is Saeed (happy in Arabic)- Syrian from Aleppo - 32 Hadith means (speech or discourse) and hadiths are made by people so it's fake , it's like people explanations and thoughts , some are nice we respect some are made for political or economic reasions some even go against Qur'an made up by people insipred mostly by Judiasm and jewish stories in the area.We Muslims believe in only one hadith Which is the Qur'an the hadith of God"These are the verses (signs) of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (speech)after Allah and His verses will they believe?" 45:6 Qur'an - i was free to search when i grew up in the area from the times of amorties sumarians Phoenicians..etc during school we were setting in one class from different religous backgrounds and that intrigued me, i was not believing i any thing for a while too, some personal events lead me to believe.. i have acopy the bible , i read about the religions of the east.. then started reading in islam history. Quran was my salvation that I'm willing reread many times in the future. A muslim means who belive in one God creator of everything. So to this definition many are Muslims without knowing. Voltaire one of them that effected on my thinking before for example. And Qur'an is a a dialogue between the reader and the creator with no interference, it's a book of guidance and full of symbols a book that made me find serenity and understand myself better. And it's a free choice after all. To believe or not the book or speech is not forcing the reader rather than arguing logically. In regards of what happend to islam is the same what happened to any gourp of humans that wanted to thrive and rule, they couldn't deform Qur'an but they abandoned it and wrote other books claiming to distract people and that's how sects and branches same as what christans and other religions did. - I've studied french histroy and litterateur and in my master studies was also dealing with marxism and philosophy. So you can say I'm a teacher now.Thanks for the reply, i truly invite you to read Qur'an without prejudices or prethoughts without trying to seek human help to understand only as language maybe. It's God talking to us directly. Then it's up to you to decide if it's true or not. I don't discuss those yopics with anyone but i really admire you and wish you all goodness. Pardon me Mr. HiroshiForgot to mention that this was not my opinion this was a verse from Qur'an so.. @HAPPYMEGALO • 2 日前@hiroshihayashi for some simple factsKabba was there before islam and people bulit statues and dities idols around it about more than 300. People used to worship God the creator beside those dities. Allah name was known before Islam, Muhammad was an orphlin who never saw his father , his father name was Abd Allah/Abdullah which means Servant of God. Buddhism/Hinduism, Christianity and judaism too are so different from Islam , in Islam no idols no status no clergy structure no churhces no salvation or incarnation or rebirth no meditation satanic practices, no multi dities no such thing as soul libration. No one is responsible for anyone else's deeds not even the mother or grandparents. Macca is only a place put as a direction for people to worship one creator, but it has no meanings it's not holy yhe stones are dust nothing more , before it was even somewhere else, and it's part of human nature and historical development, people were slaughtering thier kids in the area before islam to approach made up dities.. basically paganism that efected bad on jews and Christians later that they screwd up and deformed the word of God and went back to the paganism roots . In islam there's hell and heaven , everything we do we will be asked about, and this universe is not eternal and it's created with such ponctuality not abusrd arbitrary for a purpose..Buddhism is a modern philosophy compared to Hinduism inspired by it, Hinduism was deformed same as Christianity and Judaism from one God all Creator to 33 then millions.. I recommend you to Read Quran in Japanese, read after clearing your mind of all stereotypes and prejudices, read it as if it's addressed to you then judge , It's available on the (Internet Archive) website@HAPPYMEGALO Sep. 17th, 2027ハディースとは(言葉や談話)を意味し、ハディースは人間が作ったものなので偽物で、人間の説明や考えのようなものです。中には私たちが尊敬する良いものもあれば、政治的または経済的な理由で作られたものもあり、コーランに反するものさえあります。コーランとは主にユダヤ教とその地域のユダヤ人の物語に触発された人々によって作られたものです。 私たちイスラム教徒は、神のハディースであるコーランという1つのハディースだけを信じています。 「これらはアッラーの節(しるし)であり、私たちは真実にあなた方に朗読します。それではアッラーとその節の後のどの言葉(言葉)を彼らは信じるのでしょうか?」 コーラン - この地域に育った私は、アモルティ、シュメール人、フェニキア人などの時代から自由に調べることができました。学校では、さまざまな宗教的背景を持つ人たちが 1 つのクラスに集まり、それが私を魅了しました。しばらくの間、何も信じていませんでした。個人的な出来事が私を信じるように導きました。聖書のコピーを持っていて、東洋の宗教について読み、その後イスラム教の歴史を読み始めました。コーランは私にとって救いであり、今後も何度も読み返したいと思います。イスラム教徒とは、すべてのものの創造主である唯一の神を信じる人のことです。したがって、この定義では、知らないうちにイスラム教徒になっている人はたくさんいます。たとえば、ヴォルテールは以前私の考えに影響を与えた人の 1 人です。そしてコーランは、読者と創造主が干渉を受けずに対話するものであり、指針となる本であり、シンボルに満ちています。この本は私に平穏をもたらし、自分自身をよりよく理解させてくれました。結局のところ、それは自由な選択なのです。本やスピーチを信じるかどうかは、読者に強制するのではなく、論理的に議論することです。 イスラム教に起こったことに関しては、繁栄して支配したいと思っていた人間の集団に起こったことと同じです。彼らはコーランを歪曲することはできませんでしたが、それを放棄し、人々の気をそらすと主張する他の本を書きました。それが、キリスト教徒や他の宗教が行ったのと同じ宗派や分派のやり方です。 - 私はフランスの歴史と文学を学び、修士課程ではマルクス主義と哲学も扱っていました。だから、私は今教師だと言えます。 返信ありがとうございます。私は本当に、偏見や先入観なしにコーランを読んでください。おそらく言語としてのみ理解するために人間の助けを求めようとしないでください。それは神が私たちに直接話しかけているのです。それが真実かどうかを決めるのはあなた次第です。私はそれらのヨピックについて誰とも議論しませんが、私はあなたを本当に尊敬しており、あなたにすべての善良さを願っています。ヒロシさん、すみません これは私の意見ではなく、コーランの一節だということを言い忘れていました。 @HAPPYMEGALO • 2 日前 @hiroshihayashi 簡単な事実 カバはイスラム教以前から存在し、人々はその周りに 300 以上の像や偶像を建てました。人々はそれらの神々のそばで創造主である神を崇拝していました。アッラーの名前はイスラム教以前から知られていました。ムハンマドは父親に会ったことのない孤児で、父親の名前はアブドゥッラー/アブドラで、神のしもべという意味です。 仏教/ヒンズー教、キリスト教、ユダヤ教もイスラム教とは非常に異なっています。イスラム教には偶像も地位も聖職者組織も教会もなく、救済も転生も再生も瞑想も悪魔の行為もなく、多神教もなく、魂の解放などもありません。母親や祖父母でさえ、他人の行為に責任を持つ人はいません。マッカは、人々が創造主を崇拝するための方向として置かれた場所に過ぎませんが、そこには意味がありません。そこは神聖ではなく、石は塵に過ぎません。そこがどこか他の場所になる前は、それは人間の本性と歴史的発展の一部であり、イスラム教が作り出した神に近づくために、人々はその地域で子供たちを虐殺していました。基本的に、ユダヤ人とキリスト教徒に悪影響を及ぼした異教であり、後に彼らは神の言葉を台無しにして歪め、異教のルーツに戻ってしまいました。イスラム教には地獄と天国があり、私たちがすることすべてについて質問されます。この宇宙は永遠ではなく、目的のために乱用されたり恣意的になったりするのではなく、非常に正確に創造されています。 仏教はヒンズー教と比較すると現代の哲学であり、ヒンズー教はキリスト教やユダヤ教と同じように、唯一の神から33万人、そして数百万の創造主へと変形しました。 コーランを日本語で読むことをお勧めします。すべての固定観念や偏見を取り除いてから読んでください。自分に宛てられたものとして読んでから判断してください。インターネットアーカイブのウェブサイトで入手できます。 -My name is Saeed (happy in Arabic)- Syrian from Aleppo - 32 Hadith means (speech or discourse) and hadiths are made by people so it's fake , it's like people explanations and thoughts , some are nice we respect some are made for political or economic reasions some even go against Qur'an made up by people insipred mostly by Judiasm and jewish stories in the area.We Muslims believe in only one hadith Which is the Qur'an the hadith of God"These are the verses (signs) of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (speech)after Allah and His verses will they believe?" 45:6 Qur'an - i was free to search when i grew up in the area from the times of amorties sumarians Phoenicians..etc during school we were setting in one class from different religous backgrounds and that intrigued me, i was not believing i any thing for a while too, some personal events lead me to believe.. i have acopy the bible , i read about the religions of the east.. then started reading in islam history. Quran was my salvation that I'm willing reread many times in the future. A muslim means who belive in one God creator of everything. So to this definition many are Muslims without knowing. Voltaire one of them that effected on my thinking before for example. And Qur'an is a a dialogue between the reader and the creator with no interference, it's a book of guidance and full of symbols a book that made me find serenity and understand myself better. And it's a free choice after all. To believe or not the book or speech is not forcing the reader rather than arguing logically. In regards of what happend to islam is the same what happened to any gourp of humans that wanted to thrive and rule, they couldn't deform Qur'an but they abandoned it and wrote other books claiming to distract people and that's how sects and branches same as what christans and other religions did. - I've studied french histroy and litterateur and in my master studies was also dealing with marxism and philosophy. So you can say I'm a teacher now.Thanks for the reply, i truly invite you to read Qur'an without prejudices or prethoughts without trying to seek human help to understand only as language maybe. It's God talking to us directly. Then it's up to you to decide if it's true or not. I don't discuss those yopics with anyone but i really admire you and wish you all goodness. Pardon me Mr. HiroshiForgot to mention that this was not my opinion this was a verse from Qur'an so.. @HAPPYMEGALO • 2 日前@hiroshihayashi for some simple factsKabba was there before islam and people bulit statues and dities idols around it about more than 300. People used to worship God the creator beside those dities. Allah name was known before Islam, Muhammad was an orphlin who never saw his father , his father name was Abd Allah/Abdullah which means Servant of God. Buddhism/Hinduism, Christianity and judaism too are so different from Islam , in Islam no idols no status no clergy structure no churhces no salvation or incarnation or rebirth no meditation satanic practices, no multi dities no such thing as soul libration. No one is responsible for anyone else's deeds not even the mother or grandparents. Macca is only a place put as a direction for people to worship one creator, but it has no meanings it's not holy yhe stones are dust nothing more , before it was even somewhere else, and it's part of human nature and historical development, people were slaughtering thier kids in the area before islam to approach made up dities.. basically paganism that efected bad on jews and Christians later that they screwd up and deformed the word of God and went back to the paganism roots . In islam there's hell and heaven , everything we do we will be asked about, and this universe is not eternal and it's created with such ponctuality not abusrd arbitrary for a purpose..Buddhism is a modern philosophy compared to Hinduism inspired by it, Hinduism was deformed same as Christianity and Judaism from one God all Creator to 33 then millions.. I recommend you to Read Quran in Japanese, read after clearing your mind of all stereotypes and prejudices, read it as if it's addressed to you then judge , It's available on the (Internet Archive) website