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* Gell, Alfred 1992 The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology. In Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics. Coote. Jeremy and Shelton, Anthony (eds.), p.p.40-66. Clarendon Press.

* Naji, Myriem and Douny, Laurence 2009 Editorial. In Journal of Material Culture 14(4):411-432.

* Ingold, T. 2007 Materials against materiality. In Archaeological Dialogues 14(1): 1-16.


* Schneider, Jane 1994 In and out of polyester : desire, disdain and global fibre competitions. In Anthropology Today vol.10 (4): 2-10.(10/05/15)

* Portisch , Anna O. 2009 Techniques as a Window onto Learning: Kazakh Women’s Domestic Textile Production in Western Mongolia. In Journal of Material Culture 14(4):471-493. (10/06/06)

+++ 重要文献 ++++

* Ingold, T. 2000 Making Culture and Weaving the World. In Matter, materiality and modern culture. Graves-Brown, P.M.(eds), p.p.50-71. Routledge. (10/05/31)

* Sigaut, F. 1994 Technology, in Companion encyclopedia of anthropology. Ingold, T.(eds.) : p.p.420-459. Routledge. (10/08/19)

* Goody, E. N. 1989 Learning, apprenticeship and the division of labor. In Apprenticeship: From theory to method and back again. Coy, Michael W. (eds.), p.p.233-256. State University of New York Press. (10/09/02)

* Gell, Alfred 1988 Technology and Magic. In Anthropology Today 4(2): p.p.6-9. (10/09/06)

+++ レビュー論文 ++++

* Hansen, Karen Tranberg 2004 2004 The World in Dress: Anthropological Perspectives on Clothing, Fashion, and Culture. In Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 33: pp.369-392. (10/05/06)

* Bray, Francesca 2007 The World in Dress: Anthropological Perspectives on Clothing, Fashion, and Culture. In Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 36: pp.37-53. (10/05/23)

* Miller, Daniel 2006 Consumption. In Handbook of material culture. Tilley, C. (eds.), p.p.341-354. SAGE Publications. (10/05/25)


+++ 重要文献 ++++

+++ その他 ++++

* 伊藤 悟 2010「徳宏タイ族のシャマニズム ―ムンコァンとムンヤーンにおけるシャマンの比較研究―」『文化科学研究』6:1-40。(10/05/27)

* 中谷 和人 2009 「「アール・ブリュット/アウトサイダー・アート」をこえて―現代日本における障害のある人びとの芸術活動から」

* 古谷 嘉章 2008 「「芸術」辺りと人類学」


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