真秀 まほろばへ  楽天ブログ(日記・ブログ) 315641 ランダム

真秀 まほろばへ

真秀 まほろばへ

いいね! --/--
April 15, 2017


General Douglas MacArthur later revealed暴露するthat he saw this action as an intentional act on the part of the American government to insure the entry of Red China into the war.  


He wrote:

     The possibility of Red China’s entry into the Korean War had

   existed ever since the order from Washington, issued to the Seventh

   Fleet in Juneto neutralize Formosawhich in effect事実上protected the

   Red China mainland from attack by Chiang-Kai-shek’s (蒋介石)forces of

   half a million men.


     This released the two great Red Chinese armies assigned割り当てる the

   coastal defense沿岸防御 of central China and made them available for

   transfer elsewhere. 9


     This meant that the Communist China leaders need have little

  worry about a possible Nationalist landing on the mainland opposite Formosa, and that they could move Red troops northward to the Manchurian country満州地区 above the Yalu River (鴨緑江)with perfect safety.


     It gave their Korean war plans a tremendous とてつもない impetusはずみ, 刺激, because Red China could now enter the Korean War at any time she chose   without fear of being attacked on her flankわき腹・側面 and rear背後 by the Nationalist troops on Formosa.10


  But this action by the American government did not deter妨げる, 阻止するthe Taiwanese government of Chaing-Kai-Shek(蒋介石), who, less than a week after the North Koreans had crossed the 38th paralleloffered the State Department an advance force of 33,000 troops that could be embarked for Korea within five days after the offer was accepted. The suggestion was politely refused.11


  Formosa was, at the time, a member of the United Nations and therefore could have been represented in the United Nations Force, but the American government would not tolerate such a move.


  It was a few months later that the results of the State Department’s tactics策略began to show up. In October1950, General MacArthur began sensing that the Red Chinese were building up their troops in Manchuria, just north of the Yalu River(鴨緑江). This intelligence report went unheeded無視されたby the StateDepartment which advised MacArthur that there was no possibility of their intervening干渉するin the war. But the State Department was incorrectas the Red Chinese crossed the Yalu Riverthe river separating North Korea and Red Chinaon October 151950.


As the war against Red China and the North Koreans continuedGeneral MacArthur continued to feel that there had been a leak in his intelligence and that his strategy was known in advance to the enemy. One of MacArthur’s senior field commandersGeneraI Walton Walker: continually complained …that his operations were known to the enemy in advance through sources in Washington.12    赤い中国と北朝鮮との戦争が続いている時に、マッカーサー将軍は彼の情報が洩れており、彼の戦略が敵に前もって知られている、と感じ続けていた。マッカーサーの古参の現場司令官の一人である、ウオルトン・ウオーカー将軍は、「・・・頻繁に不平を口にした、彼の作戦が事前にワシントンの出所を通して敵に知られていることを」

    The truth is that MacArthur’s strategies were indeed falling into the hands of the North Koreans who were being commanded by Russian officers.


    The chain of command(=hierarchy階層 of authority) under the United States Constitution for any military officer将校 leads upward through the Executive Branch(行政部局) of the government and ends with the President who is the ultimate authority for military decisions.  MacArthur was, of courseconstitutionally required to obey the orders of his ultimate commander, but under the treaty binding the United States to the United Nationsthe command chain went past the President into an office in the United Nations known as the Undersecretary次官 for Political and Security Council Affairs who reported directly to the Secretary General(事務総長).




Last updated  April 17, 2017 10:23:14 PM
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