HIRO.F's Scrawl



H/K AGES(393)

1992年 尾崎の母親が死んたという歌「Mama,say good-bye」が入ったアルバムが5/10に発売になると、楽しみに、色々な小説を読んだり、歌を聴いたり ちょうど、そのころ付き合っていた鳥取の人に、尾崎で好きな曲ばかりまとめて送ったりしてたんじゃないかな。。。詩も全部ワープロにいれて Zは車検に通らなくて、鳥取のSHOPにおいてけぼり 八幡に解体屋があると、寮の同期の人間につれてってもらってる途中でした カーステから、流れる尾崎の曲 なんで?っと思ったら訃報でした。。。 ニュースで尾崎の名前が出てきたとき、また何かやったのか?と思いました そのほうが良かった 二度と尾崎のLiveを見に行けないなんて。。。 1日、どこのスピーカーからも、尾崎の声が聞こえてきた Mama,say good-bye 俺は、尾崎がいなくなった気持ちで唄った。。。 そして、ずっと支えてきてくれた母親がいなくなって。。。尾崎は、どんな気持ちだったのか どんな想いで、酒を飲んで。。。暴れて 一人で行ってしまったんだろうか。。。 四年前、二昨年、昨年。。。。大切な人を、何人も失った。 なんで、本当にいい人ばかり、なんで、あんなに急に、いなくなってしまうんだろう そして。。。 大震災 何の罪も無い、たくさんの人々が奪われた。。。 そして、まだ、たくさんの人が苦しんでいる こんなとき、尾崎が生きていたら。。。 どう思ったのか。。。どう動いただろうか どう唄っただろうか。。。 尾崎がいなくなってから、たまたま書いた英語弁論の現行 毎回だしてるけどね。。。たいしたこと書いてないや OZAKI,WISH YOU WERE HERE Yukaka Ozaki died on 25th Aplil.Like his other fans,I was very sad.What image do you of him? One meaning was that Yutaka Ozaki was most important singer.He taught us to be serious.He sang whispering by his charisma.He fought the image that was made by his fans and the mass-media.26 years of Ozaki that might be proof of his fight. At his debut in 1984,Sinjyuku Ruiido was soldo out.The foremost part of the seats were emcamped by his friends,they came after their graduation ceremony. Ozaki was not present at his graduation ceremony.He was determined to be singing in the professional world. Motoharu Sano,at his debut in 1980,found the clue of message songs.Shogo Hamada was on a plain live tour day and night.In this generation,Ozaki appear -ed with strong shock and he rediscovered the song with message.His songs were very good,and were powerful in expressing his ideas and his spirit.He did not rely on abstractionism.His words were concrete.His songs were critical of the social system.But the mass-media portrayed him as if he was the founder of a sect with society's final answers.For example,he sang "I felt myself geting freedom"in his song "The night".This expression imaged despair and reality. But various magazins wrote "if you listen,you will get freedom". He produced three album ,"Seventeen's Map", "Tropic of Graduation", and "Through the Broken Door".But,after the "Last Teenage Appearance"live performance,he stopped performing.It looked he wanted to throw away his selfexistent mass-media's image.And then,he went to New York. One year later,he came back,and he started the "Trees Lining a Street Tour". But,it was not easy.During his break,his image had expanded in Japan.He was under strong pressures.And he was arrested for drugs.In that predicament,he bore his answer.He said that in the essay,I shall read to you now. Since we've learned to climb the high ridge,we can show the smile in the surge of the wind.We've been longing to stand at nearest part from the blue in the sky.Since we've thirsty because of the smell of the water brought by the wind we can bite a lemon.So,we left as it the yellow lights are splashing. Since we've been longinght or freedom,we could get a image of our flags.Inso many colors they were trembling.We climbed our ridge.Our legs tend to be wounded and our voice in unison tend to be baded away into the wind.Yet what we've been longing was to stand at the rearest part from the blue inthe sky. Trembling backs of leaves are shining in white,and it seems minutes passing by.We've promised each other again and again,so we wouldn't get lost.However,our enemies are living inside of ourselves indeed.Facing each other with smiling, we've gras ping the keys of our castle walls.Freedom is always ruined by ourselves for the first time,indeed.By the side,I would get the tinkle of the bunch of the keys.Since "he" tends to get lost is sitting on the guardrail at midnight,never to lose his way.The lights of the mercury lamps put the shadowsof unity of the leaves on the street,at his feet.On the map thathas millions of mingled points, "he" runs to the place where two of them have promised to meet.And then, "he" has been waiting for her.After a while,we're still alone. So,it must be sure of us to meet whom creates somebody each other .Since "he"has been sitting on the guardrail, (he keeps) looking at the street.After a while he could get the shadow of driving by her.he would think that "if we would get lost,I must be terribly sad".Since he has caught her klaxon,he stands up and shows a smile.For the words that can be lost.For the fists put on the table to make the mind scream.For the kindness to keep creating ourselves by us.He will leave the guardrail and raise his hand. And then he produced an album "Trees Lining a street",to appeal to the importance of love.And then he got married and had a child.And he produced an album called "Birth".One year later,he produced an album called "Confession for Exist", in sadness at his mother's death. In his song "Birth",he said "everybody's birth is not a misstake".And he sangto the importance of life in two albums .But he is not alive now.What would hehave sung next? He sang and wrote about universal problem of pepole.He looked at reality by his mind,and he did not escape.Therefore,just now,I wish you to understand him correctly,to listen to the heritage of his words and his song without being confused by mass-media's image of him.I miss Ozaki,but I keep him in my mind.And we must live with his strength,and his kindness.We don't foreget YUTAKA OZAKI. あれから21年。。。色々なことがたくさんあって、たくさんのものを失くして。。。 自転車に乗りながら、、、部屋に閉じこもって、、、尾崎の言葉を叫んでいた少年は 何故か人前でギターをかきならして尾崎の言葉を叫ぶようになっています。。。 そして、今年は、尾崎が、いなくなってから、何年も経ってから生まれたのだけど 熱狂的なファンの、おしょーさんの誕生日 とうとう、十七歳の地図か。。。どんな地図が見えてるのだろうか。。。 尾崎豊 きっと忘れない  HAPPY BIRTHDAY Words and Music by Yutaka Ozaki 街の暮らしにもすこしずつ慣れてきて 君の笑顔も素敵になってゆくようさ 忘れられない心の傷みの悲しみも 今夜全てを吹き消して 流れてゆく 変わってゆく 街灯りも形を変え 頬杖をついたまま 見つめてる 夜が訪れる Happy Birthday いつだって君を忘れはしない Happy Birthday 君が好きさ 心をこめて 生まれてきた喜びに 君が包まれるように 今日という日を祝うよ Happy Birthday to You 時の流れも見つからなくなるほどに 辛く孤独に過ごした日々もあったさ だけどいつかはそんな悲しみも報われると 信じて過ごした日々もある いつも夢を忘れないで 季節の中でうつろう君 探している答えに心が届かなくても Happy Birthday いつだって君は大丈夫さ Happy Birthday 君が好きさ 心をこめて 探している優しさに 君が包まれるように 今日という日を祝おう Happy Birthday to You 誰にだって いつの日にか 振り返る時が来るのだから 忘れないで 毎日は ささやかな 君へのプレゼント Happy Birthday いつだって君を忘れはしない Happy Birthday 君が好きさ 心をこめて 生まれてきた喜びに 君が包まれるように 今日という日を祝うよ Happy Birthday to You




