

snorkeling(ラナイ島) スノーケリング(魚とのコラボレーション)

ラナイ島の興味ある歴史。 Lanai has an interesting history. 1800年代ラナイ島は、ドールに買収され、パイナップル産業の主要産地として活用が されて来た。しかし、パイナップル産地としての役割は最近になり、縮小されてきた。 そして、観光産業としての脚光を浴びることになった。 In the eighteen hundreds Lanai was purchased by the Dole family and has been used most of this century as the major producer of pineapple for Dole Pineapple Company. Though its role as a pineapple producer has been diminished in recent years it has now taken a front seat in the tourist industry. Its pristine white sand beaches, its two famous luxury resorts (Manele Bay Hotel and the Lodge at Koele), its world class golf courses, its abundance of reef and striking coastline, its tremendous diving locations, and its sizable dolphin population have proven to be powerful draws for visitors from around the world.   Lanai is one of the smaller islands in the Hawaiian chain. It is also one on the lowest lying with it's summit just rising about 2000' above sea level. As such it does not draw the vast amount of clouds and thus rainfall as its nearby sister islands of Maui and Molokai. Its climate is somewhat more arid and is usually quite sunny and dry. Many days on Lanai are "picture post card" perfect and this of course is the reason for much of its popularity. In recent years Lanai has added prestige to its already untarnished reputation as a visitor draw with the construction of its two (now famous) above mentioned hotels. In fact, in the last few years either Manele Bay Hotel, the Lodge at Koele or both at the same time have occupied positions in the top 5 hotels and resorts in the world in the highly touted Conde Naste "best hotels of the world" ratings. ラナイ島でのアクテイヴィテとしては、広範囲のものが楽しめるが、スノーケリングは、 代表的なアクテヴィテイとして、メネレ湾を中心として、多くの旅行者にたのしみを与え ています。 There are wide spectrums of activities that are available to you at Lanai. You can take the ferry over from Lahaina and spend the day playing golf, visiting the hotels, or exploring the rugged interior by jeep. You can take a sailboat over to Menele Bay where you can enjoy excellent snorkeling then take a guided tour of the island. For those more adventurous choose to take one of the many zodiac trips on a half or a full day trip around Lanai exploring its marine life and spectacular scenery. Enjoy a similar experience in the splendor and luxury of a vessel specially designed to cut through the waves while the boat remains as stable and unmoving as your home livingroom. Great for people who have a tendency toward ocean sickness. We have a number of sailboats that travel to Lanai for a memorable trip.


