

山梨大第二内科(循環器科)に感謝. Thanks to Yamanashi University Second Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular department).


木曜日の夕方整形外科入院中の93歳女性の心臓病治療の依頼を受けた。私は内科医だ が心臓病の専門医ではない。脈が毎分150以上に早くなったり40以下になったりす る。血圧も下がってきて危険な状態である。どのように対応したらよいか分からず午 後6時頃山梨大循環器科に電話したら救急外来に送ってくれれば診察してくれるとの ことだった。有難かった。私も救急車に同乗して夜8時半頃大学病院に着いたが、夜 中だというのに玄関で待っていてくださり、親切に診察して頂いた。専門医に診て頂 けることになり、整形外科医も私もほっとした。夜間でも心よく引き受けて下さった 山梨大循環器科に心から感謝する。 I was asked to treat the heart disease of a 93-year-old woman who was hospitalized for orthopedic surgery on Thursday evening. I am a physician but I am not a specialist in heart disease. Her pulse reaches 150 or more per minute or it reaches 40 or less. Blood pressure has also declined and it is a dangerous condition. It was about 6 p.m. As I did not know how to deal with her, I called Yamanashi University Cardiovascular department. They said they would accept her if I send her to the emergency department. Thanks too much!! I also boarded with her in ambulance and arrived at the university hospital around 8:30 p.m. Although it was in the middle of the night they were waiting at the door and they kindly inspected. She would be treated well by a specialist and the orthopedic surgeon and I were relieved. I sincerely thank Yamanashi university Cardiovascular Department for taking care of her well even at night.




