

NASA開発の洗脳音楽がありますけど? 2004当時


1※いまお悩みがあれば、こちら、からどうぞ。 【無料相談×診断】 2※KillerCoil無料メルマガ登録はいますぐこちらへ。 【キラーコイルの秘密】 【NASA開発の洗脳音楽がありますけど? 2004当時】 2004当時は たいした金もなかったので 怪しいグッズには手をだすことはなかった。 1本54000円する インド製の鉄結界棒とか、 値段不明の NASA洗脳音楽など、 塾の近くの美人催眠療法士より うさん臭いお話を多々拝聴した。 そこの先生は インド熱に浮かされて インドへしばらく行ったあと、 どうやら、 施療系は廃業したらしい。 いまでは自宅兼施療室の痕跡が 跡形もないので。 あちらのインドでいいかもにされた であろうという推察はつくけど。 よくある話で、あちらに行くと、 標的にされる、と。 まぁ、その施療家に 8●3の親分が相談にくるのを ちらりと漏らしたので、 これはやばいと察知して、 そのご行かなくなった。 [概要]【キラーコイルは、健康意識を変え、世界を魔術的に変えていくパワーグッズとして注目されています。】 copilotは すでにウェブ上に存在している 情報をまとめたもので、 そのまとめを提示しているだけであれば、 ウェブ上にどのように情報を発信していくか その形式に留意すると、 まとめもすっきりしたものになる。 ---------------------------- 「キラーコイル」は、学習塾時代に生まれたパワーグッズで、2004年から独自のコイル開発路線を歩んでいます。以下に、キラーコイルについての詳細をご紹介します。 1. **コイルの調整対象**: - キラーコイルは、生体、感情、想念、意識、意志などの不具合を調整することを目的としています。 - これにより、心身の調和やストレスの軽減、健康への効果が期待されています。 2. **ブレイン系コイルと整体コイル**: - ブレイン系コイルは、頭の上に乗せる「天使の輪」で、学習や集中力をサポートします。 - 整体コイルは、肩こり、頭痛、腰痛などの不調を改善するために開発されました。 3. **至福コイルのロング強化版**: - 至福コイルは感情の安定性をサポートする作用があります。 - ロングサイズの強化版は、女性に適合し、男性にもストレス緩和に効果的です。 - コイルの装着向きによって効果が異なります。 4. **祖霊鎮魂コイル**: - 無用な先祖因縁からの干渉を排除するために開発されたコイルです。 - 祖霊を駆除して過干渉を解消することを目的としています。 キラーコイルは、健康意識を変え、世界を魔術的に変えていくパワーグッズとして注目されています。詳細は公式サイト¹やブログ²でご確認いただけます。もしさらなる質問があればお気軽にどうぞ! 😊 ソース: Copilot との会話、 2024/8/18 (1) キラーコイル KillerCoil サイキック波動パワー. https://ameblo.jp/killercoil/. (2) KillerCoil キラーコイルの記事一覧|note(ノート). https://note.com/killercoil/all. (3) KillerCoil キラーコイル|note. https://note.com/killercoil/. (4) 世界を変えるキラーコイル KillerCoil コイル錬金術と魔術 - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@killercoil. (5) undefined. https://killercoil.ocnk.net/contact. (6) undefined. https://form.os7.biz/f/6b03940e/. (7) undefined. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/juksmile/. (8) undefined. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/juksmile/diaryall/. (9) undefined. https://killercoil.fc2.net/. (10) undefined. https://killercoil.ocnk.net/. (11) undefined. https://twitter.com/KillerCoil. (12) undefined. https://www.facebook.com/killercoil. (13) undefined. https://www.facebook.com/killercoildoo. (14) undefined. http://killercoil.ocnk.net/product/130. (15) undefined. http://killercoil.ocnk.net/product/119. --------------------------- **KillerCoil** is a fascinating concept that combines coil technology with metaphysical and energetic principles. Developed by Saito Kumio, it originated during their time at a learning institute and has evolved over the years. Let's explore some key aspects: 1. **Purpose and Overview**: - KillerCoil aims to address various issues related to the body, emotions, thoughts, and consciousness. - The coils are designed to adjust imbalances in these areas, promoting overall well-being. - Notably, they connect gemstones or power stones with coils to achieve their effects. 2. **Development Motivation**: - Initially, Saito Kumio developed the "Brain Coil" to enhance cognitive function. - Later, they expanded their focus to address physical discomforts like shoulder pain, headaches, and lower back pain. - By 2007, they established their unique development approach, which continues to evolve. 3. **Gemstone Integration**: - KillerCoil connects gemstones or power stones to the coil structure. - These combinations help regulate issues related to the body, emotions, thoughts, and consciousness. - Specifically, they target problems related to the heart, legs, and lower back. 4. **Variety of Coils**: - KillerCoil offers a range of coils, each with specific purposes: - **Brain Coils**: Enhance cognitive function. - **Whole Body Coils**: Address physical discomforts. - **Emotion Coils**: Regulate emotions. - **Mind Coils**: Influence thoughts and consciousness. 5. **Long-Enhanced Coil**: - The "Long-Enhanced Coil" is an upgraded version of the Bliss Coil. - It measures 10mm in diameter and 117mm in length. - While primarily designed for women, it can benefit men experiencing stress or tension. - Proper orientation (horizontal placement) can ease tension and promote stress relief. 6. **Materials and Benefits**: - The Long-Enhanced Coil is available in 24K gold, platinum, and titanium. - It stabilizes emotions and provides a sense of well-being. - The double-coil structure enhances its effectiveness. 7. **Secrets and Considerations**: - Wearing the coil horizontally near the solar plexus can enhance thought projection. - Reversing the orientation (if discomfort occurs) is recommended. - The coil's design allows for personalized adjustments based on individual energy flow. 8. **Additional Resources**: - [KillerCoil Blog (Japanese)](https://ameblo.jp/killercoil/) - [KillerCoil on Note](https://note.com/killercoil/all) - [KillerCoil YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@killercoil) Remember that KillerCoil combines science and metaphysics, offering a unique approach to well-being. If you're curious, explore further through their resources! 🌟¹²³⁴ ソース: Copilot との会話、 2024/8/19 (1) キラーコイル KillerCoil サイキック波動パワー. https://ameblo.jp/killercoil/. (2) KillerCoil キラーコイルの記事一覧|note(ノート). https://note.com/killercoil/all. (3) KillerCoil キラーコイル|note. https://note.com/killercoil/. (4) 世界を変えるキラーコイル KillerCoil コイル錬金術と魔術 - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@killercoil. (5) undefined. https://killercoil.ocnk.net/contact. (6) undefined. https://form.os7.biz/f/6b03940e/. (7) undefined. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/juksmile/. (8) undefined. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/juksmile/diaryall/. (9) undefined. https://killercoil.fc2.net/. (10) undefined. https://killercoil.ocnk.net/. (11) undefined. https://twitter.com/KillerCoil. (12) undefined. https://www.facebook.com/killercoil. (13) undefined. https://www.facebook.com/killercoildoo. (14) undefined. http://killercoil.ocnk.net/product/130. (15) undefined. http://killercoil.ocnk.net/product/119. ---------------------- **KillerCoil** is a fascinating creation that emerged from the world of learning centers. Developed in 2004, it has followed a unique path of coil development since 2007, reaching its current state in 2021. Let's explore what it offers: 1. **Bio Adjustment**: KillerCoil aims to address issues related to the body, emotions, thoughts, and consciousness. It connects gemstones or power stones with coils to regulate these aspects¹. 2. **Blog Insights**: The blog delves into intermediate-level problems related to bio, emotions, thoughts, and consciousness. It draws from real-life cases since 2011, exploring personal wear, room, house, land, and even grave space boundaries. The goal is to deepen understanding and develop theories¹. 3. **Long Enhanced Version**: The *至福コイル* (Bliss Coil) long-enhanced version is designed to stabilize emotions. It's believed to have an impact on emotional adjustment. When worn horizontally, it can ease tension and promote stress relief. For men with standard energy flow (80%), horizontal placement works well, while exceptions may need to avoid it. The coil also allows adjustments in the vertical direction for stress-related effects¹. 4. **Materials and Design**: The long-enhanced version uses 24K gold, platinum, and titanium. By extending the size, it expands the amplification range. Stability of emotions is a notable feature. The coil structure includes a dual-coil design¹. 5. **Secret Emission**: When worn horizontally near the chest, just below the sternum, it enhances thought emission. However, if the direction feels uncomfortable, reversing it is recommended. This secret about thought emission is being revealed for the first time¹. 6. **Other Offerings**: KillerCoil also offers a variety of products, including the "祖霊鎮魂コイル" (Ancestral Spirit Pacification Coil) and the "本年最後のおまかせ福袋" (Last Lucky Bag of the Year). The former aims to remove unnecessary ancestral interference, while the latter is a limited-time offer for those seeking a surprise¹. If you're curious or seeking a reset, consider exploring the *ロング強化版・至福コイル* (Long Enhanced Bliss Coil). It's likely to leave you satisfied and intrigued! 🌟¹ For more details, you can visit the [KillerCoil blog](https://ameblo.jp/killercoil/) or explore their [note page](https://note.com/killercoil/all). They also have a [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@killercoil) where they discuss health, outdoor exploration, and coil magic. 🌀¹²³⁴ --- I hope this information helps! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. 😊 ソース: Copilot との会話、 2024/8/19 (1) キラーコイル KillerCoil サイキック波動パワー. https://ameblo.jp/killercoil/. (2) KillerCoil キラーコイルの記事一覧|note(ノート). https://note.com/killercoil/all. (3) KillerCoil キラーコイル|note. https://note.com/killercoil/. (4) 世界を変えるキラーコイル KillerCoil コイル錬金術と魔術 - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@killercoil. (5) undefined. https://killercoil.ocnk.net/contact. (6) undefined. https://form.os7.biz/f/6b03940e/. (7) undefined. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/juksmile/. (8) undefined. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/juksmile/diaryall/. (9) undefined. https://killercoil.fc2.net/. (10) undefined. https://killercoil.ocnk.net/. (11) undefined. https://twitter.com/KillerCoil. (12) undefined. https://www.facebook.com/killercoil. (13) undefined. https://www.facebook.com/killercoildoo. (14) undefined. http://killercoil.ocnk.net/product/130. (15) undefined. http://killercoil.ocnk.net/product/119. ダ=ヴィーン∀!! ★足腰に問題のある方新メルマガいますぐご登録!!★


