
English and My Husband

Daily Life(45)

My husband’s “1100 Words You Need To Know” has lots of notes in it. It reminds me of his enthusiasm for learning English. He started learning English, just after getting employed. At first, he was sent to “日米英会話学院” and used only English for three months. Then, he was assigned to the export sector. I remember he always listened to English with his walkman. In addition, he took dictation more than ten Linguaphone’s cassettes before going bed almost every night though he often came home after midnight. Guess what he did when I was delivering our first newborn. He took TOEFL test! (At that time, I couldn’t imagine that I would be interested in English.) Actually, he called me from New Zealand last night. He is giving a presentation in English at an academic conference tomorrow. I hope everything goes well with him.


