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8 Step Spiral

8 Step Spiral

いいね! --/--












1)3/11(日) 日本復興&ワールドサポートイベント
3月11日 4時から5時半まで






2) 3月11日 Adept向け 'Calling Your Holy Guardian Angel' Ritual Work (Know Thy Self)、

3) 3月7日 満月瞑想会 開催します。詳細は下記英語をご覧ください。3つのクイック活性も入っており、お得なワークショップです。またはトップページにて。www.rksps.co.uk

4) 3月15日 Angel Workshopを開催します。7大天使のうちの一人、大天使ミカエルとのつながりを深めていきます。詳細は下記をご覧ください。 

5) 24本DNAアクティベーション好評頂いています。マックスに御自分のポテンシャルを高め、更に進化していくためにお役立て下さい。詳細はリンクからご覧いただけます。



6) スピリットリリース ヒプノセラピー(憑依霊解放)





ご連絡お待ちしております。 良い週末をお過ごしください。




How are you?

As we have moved from February into March, spring is knocking on the door and it is uplifting to find that the days are getting warmer and the evenings lighter.
With spring comes new growth and we hope that new healthy and productive growth is coming to everyone's life.
"Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle ... a seed
waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And
the anticipation nurtures our dream."
Barbara Winkler
With this spring power, in order to seed for the further evolution, we would like to offer two special opportunities on March 11th Sun, and two more on different days incl Angel Workshop.

1) "World Ascension & Japan Recovery support Event"
- from 4pm to 5:30pm on March 11th Sun
- Open to General Public, non-Adept event.
- talk event,sharing and meditation are planned.

In this special event, we will share what happened to your families and friends to get recovered from the last year's Japan Disaster, and will support the Japan recovery by spreading the Light and Love. Last year, we have donated your contribution to the Red Cross, local NPO which delivers food, water, basic daily supplies, and stationary to school children in Fukushima and other areas

Additionally, at this ascension time, lots of transformation is happening all over the world, democracy movement in Africa, Middle East, Turkey, Syria and even in Russia, and we will also support people in the world to have more humanistic life with positive freedom and human rights.

Please join us to make a change in the world, and your contribution matters to the world.

Fee: £10 (change may not be available and please bring the exact amount. Thank you in advance)

Location: London wall.

2) 'Calling Your Holy Guardian Angel' Sacred Ceremony Ritual Work
- From 1-3pm (please wait 5 min before at the lobby, in time)
- Adept only (who have been activated by 24 DNA activation, as we contact Archangels through special ritual work, and need to be at the Higher Mind state)

- We will run a special ritual work and meditation. Please bring the Japanese text book, notebook and pen, water(no food).
- please wear something natural, clean and white material as much as possible.
- This includes, brief explanation of this ritual work, Kaballah rituals, Angel evocation and connection, Light work for the world, and meditation to connect with the Higher Realm

- Contents -
The purpose of this sacred ritual is to receive 'illumination' from your Higher Self, the real 'You' behind all your incarnations. This is your authentic spiritual consciousness where personal Lower Self contacts with the Universal Higher Self. The Higher Self is also called the 'Holy Guardian Angel'. In Kaballah, it is associated with Tiphareth, the Heart of the Tree of Life.

Through this ritual, you will have an opportunity and may consciously reach to the Higher self and invite its transforming influence into your life, whilst Higherself's presence and guidance have mostly not been aware to people. This ritual expresses the desire to 'Know Thy Self', which was written over the Mystery temples in ancient Greece. Although the serious working of this ritual is inspiring, it will also, eventually, bring to light those areas of your Personality that need working on, and ritual influence will be brought into personality through Sephira work. (Remember what you learned at the Adept Seminar on True ego and personality matter?)

This is a perfect opportunity for you to be in touch with the Higher consciousness at an individual level, be aware of that, and shift up your energy higher releasing shadow parts. Rituals can give you opportunities to get connected with the Higher Realm, and it would benefit you to develop your energetic sensitivity further and shift your conscious level to more 'Oneness' level, beyond 'Self' matters.

Also you can tap into the Kabalah world, Tree of Life, and learn how Kabala is related to your life.

This type of ritual work can be attended more than once to develop your consciousness higher and evolve higher to service to Human.

- Fee: 50 pounds (change may not be available and please bring the exact amount. Thank you in advance)

Location: London wall.

3) March 8th Thur - Full Moon 2012 Life Creation Meditation
- From 6pm, we will run a full moon meditation event with 3 quick activation for you to open up to the higher consciousness.
- Please book in advance.

Talk event contents.
- am I awaken?
- what is 2012?
- what is Ascension?
- Your heart frame - is it activated?
- who am I?
- Am I sharing love with others?
- what's required for Ascension?

Event will include the below special quick Activations.
- Clearing Meditation
- Individually, activate the Heart Frame - through Merlin work
- Individually activate Shamballa energy, Paradise on this planet work
- Individually, activate soul level

Fee: 15 pounds

4) "Angel Workshop 1 - Archangel Michael"
- March 15th Thur from 7:30pm to 8:50pm
- Open to General Public

We are pleased to offer this Angel Workshop and you can learn who is Archangel Michael and feel its energy, get connected with this special being. He is one of the main 7 Archangels. We will also use a crystal stone for you to have a strong connection with Michael. Angels can help you only if you ask for help and you will also practice how to get help from them.

Fee: £25 (change may not be available and please bring the exact amount. Thank you in advance)

Location: London wall.

*** Please check the update and start time just in case on our top page of www.rksps.co.uk for all the events, nearer the events. ******

5) 24 Strand FULL DNA Adam Kadmon Activation
- This activation is highly recommended for your evolution, and lots of people have been benefited by this as you can access your max potential.
Please find the details on our web site.

- At this ascension time, we recommend you to be activated, sooner is better, especially in March and April, during the spring season.

Please free free to contact us for queries and advance booking, and looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you and have a good weekend.


Metaphysical Mystery School Guide, Teacher and Ritual Master

西村 ケイ
Kay Nishimura (Dip. in Hypnotherapy, MASC, Ad.C.S)

GHR Trained and Accredited ヒプノセラピー プラクティショナー(Dip. in Hypnotherapy)
British Psychology Society Accredited Graduate Diploma holder in Psychology at London uni.

Metaphysical Mystery School Guide, Teacher and Ritual Master
Jikiden Reiki Teacher (直伝霊気師範格)
MASC Accredited Counsellor, Psychic Counsellor and Crystal Healer

RKS Paradigm Shift
Phone: 0796 991 8772


最終更新日  2012年03月04日 22時09分21秒

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