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『 Kazeno_Mitikusa 』

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March 13, 2016
※- 『3.11・東日本大震災』から5年&福島原発事故 2016年03月11日

ジム・ストーン氏の記事 : All my assertions about the radiation being "immeasurable" at Fukushima, just like Tepco said day 1 when reactor 3 was blown to the sky and was subsequently shut up because that did not fit the official story, ALL THOSE ASSERTIONS are now proven true. Remember, According to the Jewish press, from day one all the way through the first three years it was "all just a little loose Hydrogen" exploding, and no radiation escaping because in a BWR system that is all that is possible in a worst case scenario. What happened in reality proves cold hearted sabotage and weaponry spelled the doom of Fukushima, and it could have easily destroyed Japan entirely if the wind was not blowing out to sea.

If a BWR is suddenly shut down (which all 4 reactors did before the tsunami arrived) everything bad that can possibly happen will happen within the first 4 hours, and it is practically impossible for anything bad to happen. The fact that there were explosions days later proves sabotage, thanks to an always on internet connection to reactor 3 (that was not authorized by Tepco) that fed to Dimona Israel. Add the Stuxnet virus to the mix and it all becomes obvious. For the details, read the Fukushima report, linked at the top of this page




Last updated  March 13, 2016 08:28:03 PM
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