日本は新生児の死亡率が最小 Japan tops in new born survival rate
A UNICEF's 2016 report shows that the country with the highest newborn mortality rate was Pakistan, which saw about one in every 22 infants die before turning 1 month. In contrast the country with lowest mortality rate is Japan where only one dies out of every 1111 newborn babies. A baby born in Pakistan was almost 50 times likely to die during his or her first month than a baby in Japan. In the rank of high mortality rate Pakistan is followed by Central African Public, Afganistan, Somalia and some African countries in this order. Many of them are war-torn, lack of clean water or have been affected by natural disasters.
The countries with the lowest newborn mortality rate after Japan are Iceland, Singapore, Finland, Slovenia, Estonia, Cyprus, South Korea, Norway and Luxemburg in this order. Few Western European countries are ranked in top ten. The report notes that the newborn mortality rate is related to a country's income level. The average rate of high-income countries is one in 333, while that of low-income countries is one in 37. The US(one in 270) is worse than the average of high-income countries. This is because of the large discrepancy between rich and poor people. The same reason is attributed to Kuwait, a high-income country where the mortality rate is one in 227. The fact that few West European countries in top ten may be attributed to the increasing number of immigants.
The report notes that the primary causes of newborn death include premature birth, complication and infections of several diseases, and to reduce these death it is essential to supply clean water and basic drugs. Also emphasized are the importance of midwife being able to wash her hands and breastfeeding within the first hour of life. People can learn how to save the lives of newborn babys from the cases of countries with low mortality rate such as Japan. UNICEF encourages every government to take necessary actions.