このランクは次の6つの要素、つまり収入、自由、信頼、健康寿命、社会支援、寛大に基づいているというが、それぞれの国民1000名以上に10から0で幸福度を評価してもらって決めている。この要素のうち、収入(一人当たりGDP)、健康寿命、社会支援(健康保険、年金などか)は日本は上位の国とあまり変わらない。従って、統計で表せない主観的な部分の点数が低いので日本は低い順位になっているのではないだろうか。とすると、このランクは日本に限れば、日本人の悲観主義を示しているように思われる。 今年度はそれぞれの国に住む移民についても同じ調査をしており、上のランクとほぼ同様な結果が得られているので、他の国についてはこの幸福度は客観性があると見ることができそうだ。 According to the world happiness report released by the UN, Japan ranks 54th after several Asian countries such as Singapore(34th), Malaysia(35th) and Thailand(46). Finland comes the world top, followed by Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Netherland, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and Austria. North Europen countries are in the top group. For other major countries, Germany ranks 15th, the US 18th, the UK 19th, Korea 57th, Russia 59th and China 86th. The standard of national happiness was proposed by Bhutan. It drew international attention and the UN set up World Happiness Day. Unfortunately Bhutan itself ranks only 97th. This list is based on the following six factors: income, freedom, trust, healthy life expectancy, social support and generocity. But it was actually made by asking more than 1,000 people in each country how happy they feel. They scored each of those factors from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top. Though Japan is nearly equal to the top countries in terms of income, healthy life expectancy and social support (social security ?) among the six factors, it ranks low in total evaluation. I guess that it is because of low score given to the other factors such as freedom, trust and generocity that can not be measured in objective way. Therefore Japan's low rank seems to represent how pessimistic Japanese are about the status quo of its own country. The UN surveyed also how the immigrants in each country feel and get the similar results as those of its people. Therefore the survey in general can be considered objective and accurate. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2018.04.14 11:07:49
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