幸運にもベートーヴェンの時代には愛する人や有名人の髪の毛を集め、保存することが一般的だった。遺伝子分析により証明された本物のベートーヴェンの髪から鉛が検出され、その量はベートーヴェンが苦しんだ胃腸病や腎臓疾患、難聴を起こしうる量だったが、これだけで死亡する量ではなかった。鉛の他にヒ素と水銀も検出されて、これらの金属はベートーヴェンの飲食から来たと考えられる。ベートーヴェンはワインが好きだったが、この時代のワインには甘味を加えるためと保存のために酢酸鉛を添加していた。また、魚が好物であり、ウィーンを流れるドナウ川は工業廃水で汚染されておりベートーヴェンの身体のヒ素や水銀はこの川の汚染された魚が原因であると思われる。 肝臓病の原因については遺伝、B型肝炎、アルコール、鉛の4つであると推測している。また、鉛の量からは腎臓病を患っていたことも推定できるという。 Beethoven lost his hearing in his twenties as well known. Nevertheless he composed many music master pieces before the time of his death at the age of 56. It is believed that he died from liver and kidney diseases. But he also had other health problems. He hoped the doctor could solve his problems. Recent progress of medcine partially fulfilled his wish. Fortunately it was common during Beethoven's lifetime for people to collect and keep locks of hair from loved ones or famous people. DNA analysis identified authentic locks of Beethoven's hair and lead was detected in it. The lead levels in his hair were commonly associated with gastrointstirnal and renal ailment and decreased hearing, but were not considered high enough to be sole cause of death. Arsenic and mercury were also detected in his hair. These metals are considered to have accumulated over decades of his life through food and drink. Wine was Beethoven's favorite. In his days lead acetate was added to wine as a sweetener and preservative. He also loved to eat fish. Danube river in Vienna was contaminated by industrial influent. Fish in this river likely contained these poisonous metals. The author of this report points out four factors that contribute to Beethoven's liver failure: lead poisoning, genes, hepatitis B and his pendant for alcohol. He also points to lead poisoning as another cause for Beethoven's kidney failure. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2024.05.28 15:46:10
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