The Coveという映画への抗議
ニュースでも報道されていたが、今年のアカデミー賞の長編ドキュメントに'The Cove'という映画が選ばれた。だが、この映画は、和歌山県太地町に伝わるイルカ漁を、科学的根拠の薄弱なまま人体に危険な水銀に汚染されていると決め付けた形で伝えている映画のようであり、極めて政治的で偏向色の強い映画なのではないだろうか?捕鯨禁止運動の時もそうだったのだが、牛を殺し豚を殺して食する文化は正当化され、クジラやイルカなどマイノリティーの食文化を攻撃するのは、環境保護運動でも何でもなく、単なる文化撲滅運動であり、一種のファシズムでさえある。なので、今回はかなり頭に来たので、以下の抗議文を、上記サイトのメール送信のコーナーからと、ホームページのコンタクト・コーナーから送った。(ついでに、首相官邸と外務省にもCCで送っておいたのだが、無事に届いているのかどうか・・・)以下がその文。稚拙な英文は御容赦。日本の食文化について、日本人はもっと世界にハッキリとものを言うべきだろう。----------------------------------------Dear Director and all concernsI strongly protest against your movie ‘The Cove’ which won academy award this year because it was not only unscientific but also prejudice to traditional culture of other countries.Your movie seems to want to say that more than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed each year off the coast of Japan, but on the other hand it is quite unfair that you never mention that more than several hundred thousands of cows, pigs, sheep and other mammals are slaughtered every year in your countries.Could you explain clearly the reason that only catching dolphins with traditional way is more brutal while killing cows and pigs is not brutal?Could you tell us why only eating whale meat is cause of destroying marine resources but eating other mammals’ meat is not cause of destroying animal resources?If you cannot answer rationally about these fundamental questions, your activity to alert to protect natural resources including making this kind of movie is just hypocrisy to lead public opinion to wrong direction.Another big problem of this kind of movie is using a trick like an activity to protect global environment including marine resources.However, the truth is totally different from that. The most serious problem of this kind of movie is about discriminating and excluding minority culture, which is included catching and eating dolphins or whales, around the world only with the reason you cannot understand it by means of your narrow and myopic perspective.Squeezing to death of minority culture by violent and selfish majority must be very foolish action and that is already a kind of Fascism.Concerning food condition over the world, maybe many options of various kinds of food and diversity of food culture will be very important for stability of our life and environment.From reasons as mentioned above, this movie is the most shameless movie ever, I think.I seriously require you rethink about problems in this movie and revise from fair point of view.Sincerely,