Class of 2009 Incoming Student Profile--"Consuming is myspecialty"
当校のClass of 2009には、こんなセレブーな方が入ってこられるようです。 Mitra, Private Equity Associate"I love to consume. Consuming is my specialty." Such big accessories! My bag was a really special purchase. I work with this woman at Louis Vuitton-she picks things out for me, sends pictures, and tells me to pick what I like. She called one day and was like, "I picked a bag for you, and I'm sending it to your house because I know you're going to love it." I think it's called the Stratus.How old are you? I'm 26.Was the bag expensive? Yes-about $3,500. I guess a lot of craftsmanship goes into it. Accessories for me are the key. I have about twenty bags, and I don't know how many shoes. But they're Vuitton, they're Versace, they're Gucci, and they're Dior.And your sunglasses? They're D&G. I was really excited to find them. They're wild and crazy and different.What do you do for a living? I work in private equity. I love the sector that I work in, which is the consumer and retail group. It's an area that I'm passionate about. I love to consume. Consuming is my specialty.You picked the right career. I'm going to Harvard Business School in September. Moving is definitely going to be the most difficult part of the experience. この方は、プライベートエクイティのC社出身だそうですが、C社から来たクラスメートが、「これはうちの会社の本当に姿じゃないから。。。」と半泣きで弁明しておりました。