Five years ago today. (The Great East Japan Earthquake of day) (with video) (English translation from Japanese)
Hello.Good morning,While having a surprise to the speed of the weathering of the speed and the events that go pass the time looking at the calendar,I am writing this blog.Today five years ago from now. March 11, 2011 14:46:18.Great East Japan Earthquake was accident occurred.Everyone is of much greater disaster than was expected hit to the center of Japan's Tohoku region.Earthquake, tsunami. Fire, nuclear reactor accident, by a number of other, it was affected.Many of the people affected, there was the expense.Even now, it will remain left a simple deep wound that does not heal in the depths of the mind of the people.It is only hope that come the day of the early reconstruction and well-being even one day.Of course, this earthquake as well, place a lot of disaster in Japan until now, also is had suffered a lot of damageDo not forget.Once again, quick guide to the top hotels, I think to a lot of people who were in the new to the ,, where damage recognition to the misery of all of the natural disasters,I think that should not and do not send the support and sympathy of as much as possible.In addition, as of no Forewarned is forearmed, I think that to do with the firm the day-to-day with.Vow the recovery from the damage of many occurred natural disasters, asked their thoughts to all of those who have been affected,I think that trying on the day that must be bear in mind the fear of natural disasters.But it has become a Mappitsu, in this disaster, from a number of people, in various forms,It was give me the warm support.Here again, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart.In the future, I also would like to support as much as possible, we want to this time of giving back.P.S、 This is the English translation of this morning of Japanese blog "Five years ago today. (The Great East Japan Earthquake of day) (with video)".これは、今朝の日本語のブログ「5年前の今日。(東日本大震災の日)(動画付き) 」の英訳です。にほんブログ村