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Writed by - J.R.R. Tolkien;
Audience Score - 1591797 Vote;
casts - Ian McKellen;
Country - USA;
Genres - Adventure;
release date - 2001

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I absolutely LOVE this movie. I liked the effort put into the make-up and costumes. I liked how they combined so many emotions into the movie. There's the feeling of love and passion, which is obviously potrayed by Aragorn and Arwen. There is the feeling of the tension and then followed either by relief or (most of the time) greif. when Gandalf fought against the Balrog, that was the tension in the movie and as well in the audience, then the slight feeling of relief, then the feeling of emptiness inside if you, like your insides have shrivelled up to nothing. There is also the feeling of dread and regret, most of the time potrayed by Frodo. He sees no hope to his endless last. I really liked how they used Merry and Pippin as the comic relief in this movie. In my opinion, this is the best movie to date.

Author J.R.R Tolkien's prominent feelings for Fellowship came from his powerful bonds of fellowship at school with three beloved artistic friends. In WWI, he lost two of them, another was shell-shocked & he himself was in a coma-like state for weeks. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship… This goal excelleth every other goal, and this aspiration is the monarch of all aspirations. Baha'u'llah, Baha'i Faith.

We have video made by an expert in. elvish LMAO.

It is a piece of art.

4x05 nerd with a cape.

HEVC was designed with the idea that progressive scan video would be used and no coding tools were added specifically for interlaced video.

I love Aragorn with my whole heart but when he starts speaking at 2:30 all I can imagine is a bubble stuck in his throat 😂 ESPECIALLY when he says ‘It has no other Master.
How come gandalf went a little nuts with the whole black speech thing, anyone? Was he just making a point or was there a purpose.
WHy is the the Super Predator black? Ohhhhh.
In turn, we ask You to leave honest comments after viewing The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

0:47 and from here, a meme was created

Get movie master.
Watch The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Online Free The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Stream [HD] Putlocker.
I've never seen the extended edition. This is awesome.
Best Film Ever.
The prince of woodland relm found out what his father ment. the flames of war. 😁.
Start the video at low volume then try gradually increasing the volume whilst Gandalf is speaking the ring verse in black speech.
1x03 dummy dancing.
This scene always makes me happy. No matter what mood I'm in, I always feel happy after this.

I never understood why Boromir said So it is true at 0:40 until I saw the Extended Edition of Return of the King where there's a scene that explains how Boromir was sent by his father to find the ring based on rumors that the 'weapon of the enemy' had been found.
Whether it was the opening action sequences or the finale, my heart rate was going a mile a minute watching this movie. FOTR did everything every other fantasy film should have done; it had fantastic creatures and beings that had previously only appeared in my dreams and my imagination. Jackson did a tremendous job making tangible what I previously had to visualize by reading the books. Without getting too specific and spoiling the ending, my only critique of the movie was that it was a little anti-climatic. Then again, the book was also anti-climatic because it was the first part of a trilogy.

I would also like to comment about how many people have compared Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to this film. My advice is to see them both, don't compare them, and enjoy the each as the great stories they are.

This is one of those movies that I will watch over and over again and never get tired of. It wasn't boring. It didn't lack action. It wasn't overhyped. The acting was good. And those that said it had too many "Scenery" shots should consider Doctor was 4 hours of trains and snow, but still a classic! Give this movie a shot, and enjoy it for what it is; the visualization of a classic tale.

Cart: 11:00 Hobbit house: 17:00 Table: 22:50 Hobbit clones: 46:00.
Such an amazing score from these movies. The nostalgia and pure emotion when I listen to these. Love it so much.
When is release.
Watch 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of Online 'Live Stream Online. Download" Torrent Ipad The Lord of the Rings: The Watch The Lord of the Rings: The Full Online.
Boromir : oh crap, dad's gonna be pissed.

Sean Bean always dies. Atleast he always dies in a dramatic way.
Available in putlocker quality.
Oh no my dear frodo. this is incredible story...
Anyone else think this looked like an episode of the office😂😂😂.
How come a sniper with a. 50 cal Barrett, infrared sight, doesn't mow 'em down? My wife says, they didn't have the budget.



最終更新日  2020年05月14日 19時40分33秒
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