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山羊座 Capricorn 12/22~1/19
You have strong beliefs and the perseverance necessary to weather the tough tests in life. You are a perfectionist, and are willing to put in a hard day’s work. Be careful not to be overwhelmed by your responsibilities. You are imaginative, a dreamer and enjoy spending time alone.
水瓶座 Aquarius 1/20~2/18
You think on your feet, and have a unique way of thinking. You are able to able to make rational judgments without being influenced by your mood or emotions. You dislike being bound by other’s opinions or commonsense, and are known to do outrageous things that go against the norm. You are ahead of your time.
魚座 Pieces 2/19~3/20
You are gentle, compassionate and sensitive to the suffering of others. You are flexible and accommodating to others. You are open and get along well with many people. You are artistic, sensitive and a dreamer.
牡羊座 Aries 3/21~4/19
You approach life with a positive outlook and are mentally strong. You are a born leader, but in your drive to succeed, you may miss out on some details. Your honesty and forthright manner inspire the trust of those around you.
牡牛座 Taurus  4/20~5/20
You have a peaceful, calm and gentle demeanor, and your friendly, down-to-earth approach makes you well liked by those around you. You tend to makes you well liked by those around you. You tend to prefer security to change. You are willing to do what it takes to see things through, but this single-minded focus can sometimes be interpreted as stubbornness.
双子座 Gemini 5/21~6/20
You are perceptive and can read people easily, and have an abundance of curiosity. However, you occasionally have a tendency to be somewhat fickle and flaky. You are the life of the party and are well liked by those around you.
蟹座 Cancer  6/21~7/22
You freely express your emotions are very compassionate. You are affectionate with your loved ones, whether friends, family or lovers. You are deeply caring and feel the pain of others. You are extremely loyal and are the first to defend a loved one in need.
獅子座 Leo  7/23~8/22
You are extravagant and are often the center of attention, a fact that pleases you greatly. Your energy and confidence are infections, and empower those around you. You do not like to be alone, and can be too sentimental at times.
乙女座 Virgo 8/23~9/22
You are a true romantic, a perfectionist and are detail-oriented. You carefully consider issues before taking action, but have a tendency to be hard on yourself and of others. You are fair and have a strong sense of justice, which makes you extremely trustworthy in the eyes of those around you.
天秤座 Libra 9/23~10/23
Those born under the sign of the scales have a desire for balance in life, and this is evident in your preference for harmony and compromise over confrontation. You have a strong sense of the aesthetic, and are willing to sacrifice to acquire things of beauty. You’re sociable, but can be reserved when expressing your emotions, and sometimes say things contrary to your true feelings.
蠍座 Scorpio  10/24~11/22
You are a reserved person, and this can make it difficult for others to get to know you, as they may think of you as somewhat aloof. However, this reserve masks a great passion inside you. You are strong-willed and are willing to persevere to achieve anything you set your mind to. However, your tendency to stick to your guns can be seen as being stubborn.

射手座 Sagittarius 11/23~12/21
Easygoing, optimistic and positive, you are quick to take action. You trust your intuition over the advice of others. You are willing to make every effort to reach your goals. You are calm and gentle and enjoy taking care of others.

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