time has past much more quickly than i thought そんなに経つんだ・・・。 since i came here こっちに来てから。
It has already past two-third of my staying in canada もうカナダ滞在の2/3が過ぎてしまったと思うと、 it means the day i go back to japan will be coming soon... 日本に帰る日もあっという間に来てしまうんだなって思います。
what's the modern style in japan now?? 日本の流行っていったい。 a couple of days ago, my teacher asked me what kind of music japanese have been listening to lately この間学校の先生に今どんな曲が日本ではやってんのって聞かれたけど、 absolutely I have no idea at all 知るわけねーじゃん。
i guess it might be about time for me to get started researching what is going on in japan now!! とりあえずそろそろリサーチ開始しなくちゃ。 first of all....fashion and music まずはファッションと音楽から・・・・。
i should be a copycat, so i need to get the picture of somebody who is one of the popular stylists and collect all of her clothes,then it could be possible to me to go back... 誰かの写真を手に入れてその人に似たような洋服をこっちで手に入れてからかえろーっと、 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう