湖の彼岸 -向こう岸の街、水面に映った社会、二重写しの自分-



Learnig English(18)

is divided into This passage is divided into quite separate parts. The fact of the matter is that The fact of the matter is that meat is a highly concentrated form of nutriment. This is largely because This is largely because the fat intake is low. What surprises me that What surprises me that even teenagers use drugs. is entitled to Women are also entitled to do what they want. It is doubtful whether It is doubtful whether the public at large has any idea of the Internet revolution. Once Once designed, a silicon chip is extremely cheap to manufacture in bulk. is lerning how to I am learning how to play the saxophone. I used to I used to drink quite a lot. I don't think that I don't think I have any striking features. As far as ~ is concerned, As far as TV is concerned, 65% of teenagers often watch television. seems tobe typicl of This house seems to be typical of European buildings. I have great difficulty~ing I have great difficulty getting close to other people. I have never considered ~ing I have never considered studying abroad. If my memory serves me right, If my memory serves me right, his uncle is a police officer.


