代表の吉岡マコです。速報はタイの空港からアップしましたが(コチラ)タイのバンコクで行われたアジアの社会起業家のシンポジウムにて、使用したパワポの写真と一緒にあらためて当日のプレゼンを振り返ります。その場にいられなかったかたにも、すこし雰囲気を味わっていただければと思います。このセッションは、事前に日本からエントリーシートを送り、シンポジウムの1日目にそれが壁に貼り出されて、みんなでシールを貼って投票し、シールの数が多かった10団体が発表できるというものでした。ちなみに私は、「半径1メートルから届けこのライム」とうたったSRサイタマノラッパーシリーズにインスパイアされ、半径1メートルどころか、乳飲み子を抱えて、半径50センチから始まったマドレボニータというプロジェクトを世界へ・・・と意気込んで、行きの飛行機のなかで、SRサイタマノラッパー2のパンフレットを再読(熟読)していきました。そんな半径50センチから、世界に向けて届けたプレゼンがコチラです。1)Thank you very much for this opportunity.I am Maco Yoshioka from Japan.2)We are trying to bring solutions to the problem of maternal healthcare in Japan, especially in the area of postnatal healthcare.Postnatal means after having a baby. This is a blind spot of Japanese public healthcare system.They take care of pregnancy and babies but they don’t take care of mothers.3)So We developed and provide a specialized fitness programme for new mothers , right now we have 25 certified classes in 9 prefectures all over japan.about 2000 mothers took our programme this year.4)This is a piture taken when former prime minister mr.hatoyama visited us.5)In Japan pregnant women are treated very carefully so that they can give birth safely. In fact Japan is the country where Neonatal mortality rate is the lowest. Few babies die in Japan. But the problem comes after this.Although pregnant women are treated carefully, once the baby is born mothers are left alone with no healthcare.7)This is the chart which shows maternal healthcare paid at pulic expence. Pregnancy, birth and babies are richly supported. But there is nothing for "after birth". No research, no education no professionals in this area.8)Because of this, new problems are emerging. People don’t die because of childbirth these days, but people still die for different reasons now.This summer one sad shocking news swept all over Japan. Famous female newscaster commited suicide 4 months after she had a baby. She had been diagnosied as postnatal depression.9)The reseachers say 10% of new mothers which is 100,000 are said to suffer from postnatal depression.That is the number of the patient officially diagnosied as depression. But the research we did this year shows that 80% of mothers answered that “I think I was almost there even though I wasn’t diagnosed as depression, I couldn’t go to hospitals because I was afraid of being labeled as depression ” There is another problem. The research shows that 60% of child abuse victims are children age 0. It’s hard to believe.But it’s happening all over japan.10)We have an assumption that lack of postnatal healthcare in Japanese healthcare system is one of the roots of these serious problems. Mother can't raise children all by herself. She needs support.11)There are a lot of social enterprise for children, but we put emphasis on mothers.We believe that empowering mothers at the early stage of raising children will decrease depression and childabuse. 11)In order to bring solutions to those problems we developed a mind-body postnatal fitness programme. We provide 25 certified classes in 9 prefectures and to spread the programme we have an instructors training course and certification system , and we also do research and development. This is our important role as a player in the real field.We have to tell the world what’s really happening among the mothers , things even doctors and midwaves don’t know.12)They are the certified instructors.13)They are the pictures taken at the last lesson.They are smiling .but we must not take their smile for granted.they need support and empowerment14)This is my son. He's 12.He gave me the reason to start this project. By the time these kids become parents, we hope japanese maternal healthcare system is improved.We are proud to be the pioneers.Thank you!