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お買い物 満々美人

お買い物 満々美人

Age is just a number ※【PC版】

Age is just a number     ※こちらのページはパソコン版でご観覧されることを、お薦めします。
  I represent infinity to myself and I represent ideas by words. ...up to infinity... Everybody has limitless possibilities...through all eternity... Mariko

space-time (time & space) simple

--- Age is just a number ---

We live in time and space.

Age is nothing but just a number,

that only counting and distance in earthly space.

There is short dream in comparison with the universe of great distances.

No matter how difficult throughout your life.

It is all over in a moment, too.

poem by Mariko
Wallpaper - Poetry was just written in the background (image poem for wallpaper).
 A dream play By Mariko : Poetry

--- 歳は ただのナンバー ---


歳など ただのナンバーに過ぎなくて


果てしない 広大な宇宙に比べれば、この世は短い夢物語

一生を通して あなたがどんなに困難の中であっても


time and space.523×335今じゃ~この本家ページは壊れこわれで見る影もありませんo(TヘTo)  修正する気も無いですョ。
過去ブログ Age is just a number SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2006 に作った画像と詩。

キャプチャした日付は1/5/2013・・・・・ (最後に確認)までは健在でしたが・・・・
 function myFunc(){myWeek=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");~~~何たらかんたら

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