

The Intimacy Factor

There is no more valuable advertising than word of mouth advertising and with social media the field has obviously expanded. People believe what their family, friends and neighbours say about your business or facility, and they remember it for a long time. It is also true that very few people will complain - to you. They simply take their business elsewhere. Your business operation generates word of mouth advertising, whether you are aware of it or not. Satisfied customers tell 4 to 5 people of their positive experience and dissatisfied customers tell 9 to 12. So the question is, what are customers saying after they have experienced your services? The basis of all positive word of mouth advertising is providing excellent products and services. This is also the basis for success of most marketing and advertising. Loyal customers will notice your advertising campaigns and marketing exposure and become even more effective ambassadors as these advertisements, act as positive reminders of your quality products and services. You never know, what will be the feel good moment. The devil is most definitely in the detail and it is more often than not the tiny touches that end up counting the most.Dog t-shirts are a great way Most facilities fulfil their customer's expectations but people will talk about you if you surpass their expectations. Do the few extra things, and you will have loyal customers that recommend you to their friends, neighbours and family members. You want the underlying philosophy of your culture to be that any visit that does not provide " The Intimacy Factor" the desire to tell it to someone, is a missed opportunity. Every customer is not profitable or even desirable; some people have unrealistic expectations, and will not be happy no matter what. This is true in every business.hyneer Regular customers, on the other hand, that become unhappy actually have the potential to be your best advocates. "Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it.Grammar and Style The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business." When you resolve problems to the satisfaction of these customers, they will become your loyal, staunch supporters, and they will spread positive word of mouth advertising for you. It's human nature. We respect people that admit mistakes, and correct the situation. We give them the benefit of the doubt in the future, and we tell others that they fix their mistakes and keep their promises. It leads to great customer loyalty. If you really want to stand out, go in search of the unhappy customer that never complained.jkstellacactus If you really want people to say great things about you, find and fix the problems that the customer didn't identify. Ask for feedback from your customers, and follow up. You will win customers and friends; and they will actively influence other people with their positive recommendations about your business.Articles de cette page


