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色の不思議 New! 台北縣さん

🍇新作・歴史小説 (2… New! 神風スズキさん

サービス業、その職… kaitenetさん

★情報簡?健康系★ bkr2006さん
Jeremy and Junko in… PorcupinePeteさん


神風スズキ@ 感謝の念 Good evening. 勉強する生徒としない生…
masashi25@ コメント失礼します☆ ブログ覗かせてもらいましたm(__)m もし…
masashi25@ コメント失礼します☆ ブログ覗かせてもらいましたm(__)m もし…
ソラ4262@ バシバシ絡んでちょーだぃ! まなっていいます、よろしゅヾ(*'▽'*)ノ …
育児・子育て きらり@ Re:Mill(09/15) 今晩わ お邪魔しました。。 ま…


In manufacturers the same number of hands, assisted with the best machinery, will work up a much greater quantity of goods than with more imperfect instruments of trade. The expence which is properly laid out upon a fixed capital of any kind, is always repaid with great profit, and increases the annual produce by a much greater value than that of the support which such improvements require. This support, however, still requires a certain portion of that produce. A certain quantity of materials, and the labour of a certain number of workmen, both of which might have been immediately employed to augment the food, clothing and lodging, the subsistence and conveniencies of the society, are thus diverted to another employment, highly advantageous indeed, but still different from this one. It is upon this account that all such improvements in mechanics, as enable the same number of workmen to perform an equal quantity of work with cheaper and simpler machinery than had been usual before, are always regarded as advantageous to every society. A certain quantity of materials, and the labour of a certain number of workmen, which had before been employed in supporting a more complex and expensive machinery, can afterwards be applied to augment the quantity of work which that or any other machinery is useful only for performing. The undertaker of some great manufactory who employs a thousand a-year in the maintenance of his machinery, if he can reduce this expence to five hundred, will naturally employ the other five hundred in purchasing an additional quantity of materials to be wrought up by an additional number of workmen. The quantity of that work, therefore, which his machinery was useful only for performing, will naturally augmented, and with it all the advantage and conveniency which the society can derive from that work. 7
The expence of maintaining the fixed capital in great country, may very properly be compared to that of repairs in a private estate. The expence of repairs may frequently be necessary for supporting the produce of the estate, and consequently both the gross and the neat rent of the landlord. When by a more proper direction, however, it can be diminished without occasioning any diminution of produce, the gross rent remains at least the same as before, and the neat rent is necessarily augmented.


最終更新日  2007.07.11 21:10:31
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