



 テルアビブとハイファ (イスラエル北部) の町で家賃が記録的に下がったというニュースから テルアビブの平均家賃も記載されていたのでここで発表します。 私が過去に探した物件からしても2ルームとは、1ベットルームと他です。 また、一階と最上階でも、もちろん価格が違ってきます。 とりあえず平均ということですが、本当にテルアビブに関しては物価はヨーロッパ並みです。 また2008年の調査では世界で最も高い都市ということで 14位 になっています。 List of most expensive cities for expatriate employees Slight drop in rental prices recorded in Tel Aviv, Haifa Gil Kol Published: 2009年03月03日 / Ynet Despite slowdown in real estate market in January, rental prices across Israel remain fairly steady in February, with some minor drops in TA, Haifa ※新聞記事の03日:$≒4.2シェケル、29日:$≒4.1シェケルです。※ ※新聞記事の03日:100シェケル≒$24.2、29日:100シェケル≒$23.7です。※ In central Tel Aviv the average rental price for a two-room apartment remained NIS 3,400 ($810), while the average rent for a three-room apartment dropped by 4.5% to NIS 4,400 ($1,045) a month. 中央テルアビブ: 2ルーム:平均 3,400シェケル (≒$810) は現行のまま 3ルーム:平均 4,400シェケル (≒$1,045) は4.5%値下げ In south Tel Aviv the average price for a two-room apartment remained NIS 2,600 ($620), whereas the rent for a three-room apartment jumped by 3% to NIS 3,200 ($760) a month. 南部テルアビブ: 2ルーム:平均 2,600シェケル (≒$620) は現行のまま 3ルーム:平均 3,200シェケル (≒$760) は3%値上げ In the more pricy north Tel Aviv area, two-room apartments gained 3% in rental prices, which averaged NIS 3,500 ($835) in February, but three-room rent plummeted by 6% to an average of NIS 4,800 ($1,145). 北部テルアビブ: 2ルーム:平均 3,500シェケル (≒$835) は3%値上げ 3ルーム:平均 4,800シェケル (≒$1,145) は6%値下げ In Jerusalem, for instance, the rental price for a two-room apartment rose by 2% to NIS 3,000 ($715) in February, while the price for a three-room apartment remained unchanged – NIS 3,400 ($810). エルサレム: 2ルーム:平均 3,000シェケル (≒$715) は2%値上げ 3ルーム:平均 3,400シェケル (≒$810) は現行のまま Average rental prices remained the same in Beersheba as well, with two-room apartments going for NIS 1,400 ($335) and three-room apartments for NIS 1,700 ($405). ベールシェバ (南部イスラエル) : 2ルーム:平均1,400シェケル(≒$335) は現行のまま 3ルーム:平均1,700シェケル(≒$405) は現行のまま In Haifa the average rental price for a two-room apartment dropped by 6% to NIS 1,500 ($355), and the rate for a three-room apartment remained stable at NIS 2,000 ($475). ハイファ (北部イスラエル) : 2ルーム:平均 1,500シェケル (≒$355) は6%値下げ 3ルーム:平均 2,000シェケル (≒$474) は現行のまま 現在の法定最低賃金は22シェケル (≒$5.2) くらいと聞きました。 テルアビブは生活指数が高いのでそれ以上もらえるといっていましたが?? こうして、平均家賃を見てもテルアビブで生活することは大変だということを分かってもらえるでしょう。 しかし東京の小さなワンルームで$1,000以上の家賃と3ルームで$1,400のテルアビブを比較するとまだ人間らしい生活ができるということですね。 まぁ~、ともかく、生活指数の高いテルアビブに住んでいるテルアビビがどうして 高飛車になってしまうのか、分かっていただけると思いますが、実際生まれも育ちも テルアビブのテルアビビは、東京と同じように少ない。 それに、私も日本から来たといっても実家はテルアビブより小さな町でございます! そんなテルアビブの住宅事情にクリックありがとうございました。 Slight drop in rental prices recorded in Tel Aviv, Haifa Despite slowdown in real estate market in January, rental prices across Israel remain fairly steady in February, with some minor drops in TA, Haifa Gil Kol Published: 03.03.09, 12:10 / Israel Money Despite the sharp decrease in sales of new apartments in January and the general slump in the real estate market in Israel, rental prices remained stable in February, according to data gathered by Ynet's WinWin online apartment listings. In central Tel Aviv the average rental price for a two-room apartment remained NIS 3,400 ($810), while the average rent for a three-room apartment dropped by 4.5% to NIS 4,400 ($1,045) a month. In south Tel Aviv the average price for a two-room apartment remained NIS 2,600 ($620), whereas the rent for a three-room apartment jumped by 3% to NIS 3,200 ($760) a month. In the more pricy north Tel Aviv area, two-room apartments gained 3% in rental prices, which averaged NIS 3,500 ($835) in February, but three-room rent plummeted by 6% to an average of NIS 4,800 ($1,145). The trend in prices was ambivalent in other places in Israel as well. In Jerusalem, for instance, the rental price for a two-room apartment rose by 2% to NIS 3,000 ($715) in February, while the price for a three-room apartment remained unchanged – NIS 3,400 ($810). Average rental prices remained the same in Beersheba as well, with two-room apartments going for NIS 1,400 ($335) and three-room apartments for NIS 1,700 ($405). In Haifa the average rental price for a two-room apartment dropped by 6% to NIS 1,500 ($355), and the rate for a three-room apartment remained stable at NIS 2,000 ($475). The WinWin survey is based on a representative sample of ads published on the website and includes a telephone survey among house owners.




