



ELAL(ボーイング767-300)で ネタニアフ首相が ’’大切な会合のため’’  日本だよぉ~。  子供たちまで来るんですって・・・ (親の都合をうまく利用した日本観光だね。) 宿泊は「帝国ホテル」ですって^^ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah (Photo: Kobi Gideon, GPO) Netanyahu to visit Japanese leaders The prime minister will visit heads of state and business officials while his wife and kids explore Japan. Itamar Eichner  Published: 05.09.14, 19:00 / Israel News Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is going to leave Saturday for a weeklong visit to Japan, during which he will meet the Emperor of Japan, Japan's prime minister and local business leaders. Netanyahu will be traveling with his wife and two sons Yair and Avner who will be staying with him at the "Imperial" luxury hotel in Tokyo. The Prime Minister's Office announced that Netanyahu will fund his children's traveling cost, However, the Office refused to reveal the actual cost of the trip.Netanyahu will fly to Japan on an El Al Israel Airlines Boeing 767-300 which will include a separate resting compartment with a double bed for the couple. Though the Prime Minister's office said that Netanyahu will fund privately his sons' trip, it refused to reveal the exact cost and other details regarding the flights' rate, classes, accommodation and other elements such as security, drivers etc. The Israeli embassy in Tokyo has been preparing an itinerary for Netanyahu's wife and children who will spend most of their time separate from the prime minister who will be busy with diplomatic meetings. Netanyahu's Office reported that "This is a visit of great importance to Israel. According to security officials, the prime minister is traveling abroad only with Israeli airlines and the communication with them is conducted via the travel agency which is subject to the Finance Ministry Accountant General." "The cost of the bid is 1,105,000 and no additional charge was collected for the resting compartment installation. The hosts carry most of the costs of the Prime Minister's visit in Japan, including hotel rooms where Netanyahu and his wife will be accommodated as customary in visits by prime ministers. A small team of three PMO employees will be joining the visit to assist in preparing the elaborate visit," the announcement said.


