MSU Alumni Club of Japan Annual Meeting MSU Alumni Club of Japan invites all the members to attend our annual meeting scheduled on May 17(Sun). Please bring your family, friends, and prospective students with you to enjoy conversations with many other Spartans. 22 Business School students and 10 Advertising Dept. students will join our meeting this year, thus we will welcome approximately 30 to 35 Junior and Senior students from MSU who will visit various firms and their facilities in Japan in May. It will be a wonderful opportunity to have conversation with current MSU students and their impressions about Japan. Of course, Spartans’ great performance at NCAA Final of Men’s Basketball this year would be the most exciting topic for all of us. As regular members to our alumni meeting, Dr. Anthony Ross of Business and Dr. Hairong Li of Advertising will bring President Lou Anna K. Simon’s message. A buffet style lunch meeting with Video’s of Spartan Athletics is the tradition of this meeting. This will truly give you the Spartan Spirit. 1.Date & Time: May 17, 2009 (Sun) 12:00 ~ 14:30 2.Location :マイハンブルハウス東京 → http://www.mhht.jp/ My Humble House Tokyo 銀座プランタンの真裏です。(Right behind Printemps Ginza) ZOE Ginza B1F, 3-3-1 Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 東京都中央区銀座3丁目3-1 ZOE銀座B1F phone. 03-5524-6166 3.Fee : Member \6,000 [Annual Membership Fee is not included] Spouse & Children \5,000 Children Under Age 12 Free Prospective Students \5,000 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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