カテゴリ:バシャール Bashar
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=824648119800485&set=a.416503470614954 Bashar: Tough and tight place. Earth is a master class. It may be the only place in the entire universe that is “this tough” and “this hard. This is because many souls come to Earth in anticipation of their advanced development on Earth, and many higher beings are very interested in the souls who graduate from Earth. There are three reasons why Earth is considered a master class. The first is that there are all kinds of contrasts. The second is that there is “free choice. The third is that they come here completely forgetting their true selves. Since you come here completely forgetting your true self, which is connected to the above, unexpected things are likely to happen here and there in the “free choice” after forgetting your true self. Without a doubt, you will graduate with a strong self. To the Starseeds of the New Earth, the PLANET from NEBULA お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2024年09月08日 07時05分05秒
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