生粋屋 ★ありのまま


sesame sprouts to soak in sauce! (in English)


pickeled sesame leafe photo by: kissi hi everyone ! sorry it took me so long to responce to the detail the No4.[marinade] but here i wanted to show you a photo of sesame leave after soaked in sauce. the leaves are 2-3inches in the length and the color of the behind of leaves are slitly reddish. you can grow them on the soil after sprouting and grow them while you pick the leaves you need. here's a suggestion for pickling the leaves. (it's easy) soak the washed & dried leaves into the mixture of soysauce, liquid amino, redpeppers if you like hot and sliced garlic.that's it♪ it takes about 5days in refregrator them to be ready and will stay fresh long time. [beefstake leaves] are great treated same way. use them in veg sandwich or salad, anywhere you like. it is ♪ dilicious. i hope this helped to answer to the ?s. have a wonderful weekend and happy sprouting day** *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ 生食のランキング*生粋屋 hi, suggestions no1. soak and make milk by blending with liquid (water) no2. soak and use as part or raw bread no.3 although it takes longer to sprouts (;5day;), after sprout then can be dehydrated and use as sprinkle & etc. no4. plant and collect those basil look like leaves and consume them. love make marinade with lots of garlic** raw100%, _Kissi_ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* I have just received Japanese organic black sesame seeds, can I sprout them? and which is the best way. Make it a live day *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^**^*^* ごまの葉は、バジルのような形をしていながら香りが少ないせいか 雑草として抜いてしまうことも多いみたいです。 「えごま」のからし?油漬け(韓国風)が大好きなので, スプラウツ仲間にオリエンタルなアイディアを紹介しました。 積んだ葉っぱを洗って乾かし,醤油に浸す。 唐辛子とニンニクで辛さ調整* たったそれだけですけど,知りたい欧米の方は多いようなので。 食欲増進になることは世界共通間違いなし!


