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SILK ROAD シルクロード

SILK ROAD シルクロード

Children 子ども達


hopping tag game peshawar

SKHAY(hopping tag game) : This is a game played by young boys. It is common in all the villages of Pashtoon heartlands. It is played between two teams. Each team consists on 6 to 8 players. However there is no restriction on the number of players but should not be less than 4 players on each side.
Before starting the game a particular spot is targeted or specified, which is to be successfully touched by a particular member player of the defending team. In this game all the players have to use only one foot for running and playing. The foot is tightly gripped in the claw of opposite hand. During the game one particular player is given the task of touching the spot. This player is guarded by his team mate so that he could safely reach the spot. If before touching the specific spot, the player is forced to open his gripped hand from his foot, the turn comes to an end. That is why both the teams try to unlock or open the hands and feet of each other. On safely reaching the spot than the other team has to perform the same. Normally the player is selected for the purpose is a fast running boy on one foot.

If a team is unable to reach the spot for consecutive 5 times, they lose the game and the other wins it.

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