創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!


Jan. 13th 星占い


    【Jan. 13th, 2007】 英語による星占いです: ☆これは、占いですが、占い自体に意味はないです。  100%英語の学習題材として使っています。  口語表現が多く、勉強になりますよ!! 占い自体に意図はないです -----------------―------------------ ★ おひつじ座: ======== Don't worry. Bide your time. ____________________________________________ ★ おうし座: ======== There is an opportunity disguised as a personal problem. ________________________________________________________________ ★ ふたご座: ======== Don't be too fast to jump to any conclusions now. _________________________________________ ★ かに座: ======== Look at your situation from a youthful even punkish perspective. ______________________________________ ★ しし座: ======== Follow up on an odd curiosity. _____________________________________ ★ おとめ座: ======== There could be a battle of the wills today. ________________________________________ ★ てんびん座: ======== Do not be distracted by side issues. ______________________________________ ★ さそり座: ======== Do not let neglect of details stop you from having your way. ______________________________________ ★ いて座: ======== Compromise is not a dirty word if it is spelled b-a-l-a-n-c-e. ___________________________________________ ★ やぎ座: ======= Activity burns through negativity. ______________________________________ ★ みずがめ座: ========= You will get an edge with correct posture and deep breathing. ________________________________________ ★ うお座: ======== You are ready for some fun. ______________________________________ <英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所          英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝




