創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!




弊所では、希望者(特に受講者)には、 国際ニュースHEADLINEをお送りいたしています 次の様な感じです ー1受講者の皆様、現在のNHK国際ニュースの見出しです;お判りですか? 1) Yamasaki to visit N.Korea Tuesday / 2) US, N.Korea agree to meet on financial sanctions. 3) Komei leader urges China to address abductions./ 4) Bangladesh opposition protests against elections. 5) Vice foreign minister to visit Russia, China. 6) Japan urges Iran to stop enrichment activity. --------------------------------------------------------------- -2 受講者の皆さん、以下は、NHK国際ニュースの見出しです。 お判りですか?訳を送付されずとも、意味を把握していただけましたら良いです。★1)Japan inaugrates Defense Ministry. ★2)US will not ease sanctions on North Korea. ★3)Chinese police kill 18 Uygur separatists. ★4)Trial resumes for 1980s gassing of Kurds. ★5)14 rescued 9 days after Indonesian ferry disaster. ★6)S. Korean manufacturer announces dual-format next-generation DVD player.下線の単語は知っておくべき単語ですね。 特に英検やTOIEC受験者の皆様は:【Ken's Office】 -------------------------------------------------------------- -3 1) Abe meets with Blair's potential successor in London. / 2) Abe, Blair agree to work together on North Korea./ 3)Japan's chief delegate on 6-party N.Korea talks leaves for US./ 4) Reports: US likely to hand control of Iraq to Iraqis by ovember. 5) US imposes sanctions on Iranian bank over missile programs./ 6) Divers check Japanese tanker for possible damage./ 7) NHK poll: 80% say income gap has widened in Japan. 8) US Air Force to deploy F-22s at Kadena Air Base. 9) Japan to join nuclear plant construction in US./ 10) Matsushita plans world's largest plasma TV panel factory. 11) ANA to cut 7 domestic routes from April. 12) New Year travelers up 3.6% for Japanese airlines. ------------------------------------------------------- -4 1) Japan rejects talks to ease US beef import restrictions.// 2) New emergency warning system coming online. 3) Cellphone networks to be used to locate emergency callers.// 4) Damaged Japanese tanker to undergo repairs. 5) Japanese banks halt dealings with Iranian bank. // 6) Chinese yuan sets new high against the greenback. *import restrictionsとは輸入制限 で、easeは緩和する ですね *haltは、停止ですね dealing は取引、yuanとは、中国の貨幣単位です ----------------------------------- -5 1) Protesters worldwide urge Guantanamo closure.   ↑これは大問題になりつつあります 2) Bernanke, Yamamoto: stop funding to terrorists. (*funding=資金提供する) 3) Omi, Brown share concern over China. *尾身財務大臣 ですね  4) EBRD abandons Sakhalin 2 financing plan. 5) Agriculture ministry orders checks on poultry farms. * poutry=家禽類(鶏など):  ★Japanese police say that 2 senior members of North Korea's spy agency may have been involved in the abduction of a Japanese couple in 1978.盲点なのですが、the police(police)は、単数形ではありますが、 複数の感覚で複数扱いですね。 ですから、×Japanese police says でなくて、      ○Japanese police say--ですね。覚えておいて下さいませ ------------------------------------- 1)Researcher says major tsunami possible. / 2) Chirac pledges to help Japan solve abduction issue (*abduction issue=拉致問題).*Chiracはフランス・シラク大統領. 3) Hill (ヒル国務次官補) to visit Japan, China, S.Korea soon. 4) Chinese-N.Korean trade grows since nuclear test. 5) Police: N.Korean spy official frequently visited Japan. 6)Scientists to check Miyazaki farm for bird flu. 7)UN resolution on Myanmar voted down. (*vote downは否決する・逆は vote throughなど) 7) US urges quicker Futenma base relocation. (relocationとは移転). *growは便利な動詞です。urgeは促す、急かす、ですね【Ken's Office】 ------------------------------------ 1)Aso *stresses results of visiting Eastern Europe.(成果を強調) 2) Miyazaki gov't begins *disposal of (処分)chickens. 3) *Preliminary advisory panel (準備諮問委員会)report on ducation. 4) Preparations for US nuclear aircraft carrier in Yokosuka. *5) Abe meets French rival presidential candidates(*大統領選対立候補) ⇒In France, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday met the rival candidates for the 2007 French presidential election.He called for cooperation on problems such as the North Korea nuclear issue. * call for ~を要請する、求める、という意味ですね。御質問は何なりと。 ------------------------------------ ★Jan. 15th 1)China:Japan & NK should solve abduction issue themselves. 2)US, Japan to draw up (策定する)plans on US civilian evacuation   (民間人の避難) from S.Korea. 3)Miyazaki moves to prevent rumors. 4)Spring wage negotiations(春闘) begin. 5)Stepping up (取組みを積み重ねる)disaster support for foreigners. 6)Japan to investigate human trafficking (人身売買)from SE Asia. ------------------------------------ ★Jan. 16th 1) "Letters from Iwo Jima" named best foreign language film at Golden   Globe Awards (『硫黄島からの手紙』ゴールデングローブ賞で外国語映画最優秀賞に) 2) Japan's moon probe cancelled. *probeは探索調査です/ 3)Morinaga prepared to rescue Fujiya森永と不二家は株主関係ですね  4)Iraqi execution footage will not be made public. *footageは取材テープ映像 5)Foreign car sales surging in Russia*surgeは急上昇 6) Bird flu disinfection continues in Miyazaki/ (=infectionが感染でdis-が消毒) 7) Japan and Vietnam enter FTA talks. FTAは自由貿易協定ですね(関税を課さない貿易) FTA talksは、自由貿易協定の協議 ですね。是は役に立つでしょ。 ------------------------------------------------------------




