創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!


Jan. 3rd 英語星占い


以下、英語の練習としてご覧下さい:(通信講座の方は全部訳して下さい:課題です) ★お羊座: Energy is moving slow and the supply is low.   英語は関連のあることしか言いません、 the supplyとは、エネルギーの供給、ですね ★牡牛座: Even though you may not be sure of exactly what you are doing you are ready to push for the big change. ★双子座:You can have the strength to get some new things going. ★蟹座  :Not everybody is going to play by the rules of the game.. ★獅子座:You are ready to advance to the next level. ★乙女座:Be adaptable.(臨機応変に) Change some routines, especially on the job. ★天秤座:Soon you will have the opportunity you seek. ★蠍座 :Work behind the scenes and get your rest and find inspiration. ★射手座:You can learn to bend people's thoughts with subtle means. ★山羊座:Open windows, both literal and figuratively. ★水瓶座:Let go of timidity. ★魚座 :Focus on compatibility.(物事を両立出来る様に取り組め) *昨日の分の意味合い: ○乙女座:Practice smart and hard. Get to it. 知恵を絞って懸命に稽古を。それ行け-! ○射手座:Ask yourself if it is worth all the trouble. その対象物がわざわざ骨を折ってするだけのものかよく検討しましょう ○山羊座:Do yourself a favor and show some patience for slower folk. 自分の好きな事をする日。のんびり屋は長い目で見てあげて: ○魚座 : Your desire to act heroically can leave you without the strength you need for practical matters. 格好良く行きたい気持ちは結構だが、イザという時に力が出ませんよ。 【Ken's Office】




