創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!


○Mar.12th 英語星占い


○Mar.12th 英語星占い○ ★お羊座:Work to share your talents with others. ★牡牛座:Adjust your budget to your personal needs. ★双子座:Give yourself a break and do not push folks too far too fast. ★蟹座: It is a good time for the good times. ★獅子座:Although you face dire straits and a difficult situation,     the indication is that you will make it if you maintain your calm. ★乙女座:Anything good that you put out today will be returned seven-fold. ★天秤座:Trust your motivations. ★蠍座:Do more of the kind of work that you choose.    Do it when you choose and where you choose. ★射手座:Most people will not tune into the vast amount of mystic power available now. You can. ★山羊座:Delays, frustrations, even missed messages can get in your way. ★水瓶座:You are in a time of transition. ★魚座:There are plenty of changes with your routines and your jobs. 【Ken's Office】




