創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!




★第37週英検トイク課題、1週間分の問題です、914までとします 英検トイク課題>初級向け 皆さん、こんにちわ。英語の末次です。下記課題です 文法問題: 1)He ( ) in Nagano for seven years when his daughter was born. 選択肢:a) was living / b) has been living c) had lived d) had been living. 2)There was something about his story ( ) made me suspicious. 選択肢:a)what / b) whatever /c) which 3) John insulted Tom, ( ) I would never do. 選択肢:a)that,/ b) which, c) who Jerry couldn't resist waltz ( ) the beautiful music. ジェリーは、美しい音楽にあわせて、思わず、ワルツを踊ってしまうのでした 選択肢 with / to / toward/ for 「懲らしめてやる!」 I will teach you (    ). 選択肢:a lesson, / puches / something/ lessons The guy threw stones ( ) the theft. 選択肢: to / onto/ at/ over 「その教会は、坂道を上がった所にありますよ。」 The church is (    ) the hill. 選択肢:1) over 2) above 3) up on 4) up 5) after up 「この手の音楽はすきなん?」 Is this kind of music (   ) your taste? 語法問題: 1>  Your car is very dirty and so needs (   ).   洗車しないとね。 選択肢:1) to wash / 2) washing / 3) to be washing /4) for washing 2) I think the criminal is (  ). 40代 という場合 選択肢1) on his 40s /2) in his 40 / 3) around 40s./4) in his 40s. 語法問題 A:I think there are many young people who behave very well. B: You're right.     (  ) old should get rid of their misunderstanding of (  ) young. 文法課題:1 (Aren't/Don't/Won't) you come to my house this afternoon? ⇒ 2)My friend was ( ) the concert, but her parents (weren't) 適切な言葉を選んでください。 (友達はコンサートにいたけど、ご両親はおらんやった。 ーーーーーーーーーーー 前置詞についてきちんと正しく使えない人が多いですね。 頑張って下さい。 1) You are familiar (   ) shogi.選択肢: to / with/ about/ for 2) This cooking method is not familiar ( ) Japanese housewives. 選択肢: with/to/toward/ over 動詞語法問題: Elderly people should behave as good examples to be (    ) up to by young people. ★選択肢;caught/put /grown/looked ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good Luck!! by Ken 9.07




