Joey: My plane had mechanicasl difficulties. Josh: This is the State of the Union. There was nothing you can do about it? Joey: No, becasue as a child, I never paid attention during airplane mechanics class. Josh: Is this the kind of Noel Cowardesque wit I can expect the whole night long? Noel Cowardesque witというのがどういうものかはっきりしないが、Noel Cowardというのはこういう人。 Oxford Advanced Learner's CompassのCultural Guideによれば"well know for his elegant appearance and intelligent humour"だそうだ。 "Noel Cowardesque wit"でネット検索するとそれなりのヒット数がある。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2009.12.15 07:48:41
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