英語5分間トレーニング 徹底活用学習ブログ


Poor Cecil (NOVA)

 最近いろいろ忙しくて音読用にニュース原稿をまとめられないのでNOVAでやったものを音読することにしました。 今日は運動音痴なセシル君の話。落ちがついてます。こういうの、好きだな~。運動会での短距離走、走り幅跳びなど、へえ、こういうんだと思いました。これで子供の運動会での活躍も表現できるようになりますかね? ================= Cecil Smith was a lost cause when it came to sports. From an early age he'd had his heart set on becoming an Olympic champion, but whenever he attempted to compete he always screwed up. At his annual university sports day he decided to take part in the 100 meter sprint event. Everybody thought he stood a good chance as the other competitors were not particularly fit. But, when the whistle blew, Cecil panicked and passed out. Later on in the day he decided to show up for the long jump event. He approached the sand pit confidently and the crowd went silent, but poor Cecil landed upside down. Since then Cecil decided to quit sports for good, and he had finally landed his feet on in his new job, polishing Olympic trophies. =================== ◆a lost cause  どんなに努力しても無駄なこと、見込みがないこと Ex. When it comes to drawing, I’m a lost cause. (絵描きということになると、私はまったくダメだ。) Ex. I’m a lost cause at drawing. ◆have one’s heart set on  (1)~を切望する (2)~を決める Ex. My son had his heart set on a game machine. (息子はゲーム機を欲しがった。) Ex. One of my friends had her heart set on reading “The Da Vinchi Code” as her first PB. (友だちは初めてのPBに『ダ・ヴィンチ・コード』を読むことに決めた。) ◆screw up  へまをして台無しにする、ダメにする Ex. I really screw up! (しくじった!) ◆stand a good chance(of)  可能性がある ~だろう Ex. If you really practice harder, then you will stand a good chance of winning the match. (いつも以上に練習すれば、試合に勝つチャンスは充分ある。) ◆pass out 気を失う 酔いつぶれる   ◆for good  永遠に Ex. I quit smoking for good. (金輪際禁煙だ)  ◆land on one’s feet  うまく切り抜ける、うまくやる、難を逃れる Ex. He always lands on his feet when he has trouble. (困ったことがあっても、あいつはいつも最後はうまくやる。)


