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いいね! --/--


January 11, 2012







We start about 30 years ago.

At the time, I had a full-time job but was doing some translation work on the side. I decided to leave the company for various reasons not needing to be stated here and at the same time decided that I did not want to live in New Zealand any more (this is a longer story), so I packed my bags and headed for Tokyo.

As a translator, I was good enough to be asked to do work for the NZ government on occasions and was rated in the Top 3 over there, so I could have gone free-lance and made a decent living if that had been my decision. However, I was driven by a sense of challenge at the time and somehow did not feel that being rated in the Top 3 in a country where there was very little meaningful competition.

I wanted to go to where competition was the most intense and test my ability. Clearly, remaining in NZ and being renowned as one of the best among very low competition was one option but it ran counter to my character.

Tokyo was where the level of the competition would be at the highest, so this was where I wanted to be. Making the Top 3 in Tokyo would be proof that I was genuinely good. I wanted that challenge.

Why am I telling you this now? I read recently in the news about a professional baseball player who had longed dreamed of testing himself in the US major leagues. Under the posting system, he negotiated with the Yankees. He was happy with their salary offer but not with the proposal that he would be a bench player, only to get game time when the first-choice player was badly out of form or injured. He decided that the lack of guaranteed game time made the offer meaningless, so came back to Japan and returned to his original team. He opted for safety first, a decision I respect but not one I would have made.

I would have accepted the offer, gone to the States, and played and trained so damned well that the manager had to name me as his first-choice player.


Last updated  September 14, 2012 01:45:25 PM
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