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What are the first signs of pregnancy ? Delayed periods, tense breasts, digestive problems ... do they inevitably announce that you are pregnant?

Discover the 10 characteristic symptoms of pregnancy.

The hormonal upheaval that accompanies pregnancy can cause early and characteristic symptoms. This is what we call the "sympathetic" signs of pregnancy, even if these signs do not always deserve this qualifier.


Symptom of pregnancy: late period

Long before their tummy rounds, many women can notice the first signs of pregnancy. The most constant, the one that almost always gives the alarm, is, of course, the late period . However, many women have irregular periods or even periods of amenorrhea (spontaneous stopping of periods), which in fact makes this sign unreliable in early pregnancy. On the other hand, a delay or an absence of rules can have multiple causes (physiological, hormonal or psychological). Also, even when pregnant, slight bleeding can occur when menstruation normally should have occurred. Although often less abundant than menstruation, it can still be confusing, this is called "birthday period."

Painful and tense breasts

Many other suggestive symptoms can occur early in pregnancy, all related to the surge in sex hormone secretion. For example, more swollen breasts with bulging nipples that turn darker in color may be a sign of pregnancy. They sometimes become covered with small, granular swellings, which correspond to small glands (Montgomery tubercles) and can become painful to the touch. These breast changes are often extremely early. For some expectant mothers, it can result in discomfort or even pain. Fortunately, there are solutions to relieve breast pain .

Nausea and other digestive disorders

(heartburn, abdominal cramps, etc.) Heartburn, abdominal cramps… can appear and sometimes last a good part of the pregnancy. Likewise, it often happens that the taste changes, apart from any digestive disorder. Foods previously appreciated are then suddenly abandoned, in favor of others. Sometimes it is a matter of real disgust, which can manifest itself as well for certain dishes as for wine or cigarettes. Classic signs, nausea , predominantly morning, is later, often occurring at the end of the first month of pregnancy. According to some estimates, up to half of pregnant women are victims. Fortunately, except in the case of hyperemesis gravidarum , they spontaneously cease towards the end of the 1st trimester. Vomiting is rarer. An increase in salivation and an exacerbation of smell are often associated, and it is not uncommon for a smell to trigger nausea. Finally, many women report constipation and a feeling of bloating at the start of pregnancy. Beyond the three most suggestive signs described above, other less obvious signs can sometimes appear. Tiredness You who used to be the night owl type don't keep your eyes open as soon as you sit down on a couch. A sleepiness or an urge to sleep throughout the day, is common in early pregnancy. It is due to the sedative effect of progesterone. Gynecological disorders (small bleeding, vaginal discharge ...) Small bleeding, frequent urge to urinate, vaginal discharge ... are rarer but can appear due to physiological changes caused by pregnancy (enlargement of the uterus which can compress other organs, hormonal upheavals ...) Weight gain Some women report having experienced weight gain or, conversely, weight loss at the start of their pregnancy. Acne breakouts One of the symptoms of pregnancy is the appearance of acne breakouts. Mood disorders Mood swings (tearfulness, greater susceptibility, feeling of sadness or even euphoria ...) may appear even if it is difficult to verify this sign from a medical point of view. Sleeping troubles Sleep disturbances are also cited among the exchanges of Doctinauts.


最終更新日  2020.11.25 23:07:16
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