PSP GadgetZ


色んなことがおこるもんです。 PSP徒然 28.Apr.

さてTESOの話題。 最近は特典コードなるものがついているのですがTESO Imperial Editonも ご多分に漏れずEXPLORER'S PACKとIMPERIAL EDITION ECCLUSIVEの二つの コードが付いています・・・・ と、いいたいところですが中に入っていた特典カードにコードが印字されて いないという衝撃の展開が。w もしかしてメールで別送されているのかも?と思って確認してみるも そのようなメールは無し。と、いうことで問い合わせてみることに。 ■GAMESTOPに連絡 GadgetZ:「IMPERIAL EDITION EXCLUSIVE CODEとEXPLORER'S PACK CODEがカードに書かれて無いんだけど?」   ↓ GAMESTOP:「bethesdaに文句言えや」      原文:"In this case you have to contact the manufacture company of game (The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition ) in order to get a resolution. Below you will get the information about the manufacture company. Telephone number: (301) ***-**00" ■BethesdaとThe Elder Scrolls Online Teamに連絡(Bethesdaからは返事無し。The Elder Scrolls Online Teamに回された?) GadgetZ:「IMPERIAL EDITION EXCLUSIVE CODEとEXPLORER'S PACK CODEがカードに書かれて無いんだけど?」   ↓ The Elder Scrolls Online Team:「販売店に文句言えや」      原文:Greetings XXXXX, I'm very sorry to hear you're having some trouble regarding your imperial account. As it stands, the code you were provided a digital standard edition code from your third party. Unfortuantely, you will have to consult the retailer that you have made the purchase from (albeit Best Buy, Amazon, Target etc). They should be able to provide you with the correct codes, as you've purchased the game from them. I hope this is not too much of an inconvenience for you my friend, and I apologize that you are having issues regarding your game. I hope you're at least enjoying the world of Tamriel in all of it's splendor. ■GAMESTOPに連絡 GadgetZ:「販売店に文句言えって言われたんだけど?」   ↓ GAMESTOP:「The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Editionは北米・カナダのNTSCでしか動かないよん」     原文:We apologize however the codes for The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition are designed to work with the NTSC For Canada and the US only. NTSC is the video system or standard used in North America and most of South America. (short for National Television System Committee) The NTSC is responsible for setting television and video standards in the United States (in Europe and the rest of the world, the dominant television standards are PAL and SECAM).   ↓ GadgetZ:「TESOってPCだろ?」 The Elder Scroll Online is "PC".       「NTSC/US/CANADA Onlyってなんだよw」 NTSC For Canada and the US onlyC? ? Huh?       「俺はすでにプレイしてるっつーのw」 I have already played it.       「問題は価格に計上されているCODEが提供されていないことなんだがこれって詐欺なんじゃね?」       The IMPERIAL EDITION EXCLUSIVE CODE and EXPLORER'S PACK CODE included in the price is not offered.       Is this fraud?   ↓ GAMESTOP速攻でEXPLORER'S PACKのコードをメールで送ってくる   ↓ GadgetZ:「コード受け取ったわー IMPERIAL EDITION EXCLUSIVE CODEもよろしく」(結局問題はお前かよ・・・)   ↓ GAMESTOP音沙汰無し←今ここ もう10年近くGAMESTOPを利用してきたのですがこのような状況になったのは初めてで非常に残念。 考えられるのは ・海外カスタマーだからいい加減な対応をしている ・IMPERIAL EDITION EXCLUSIVE CODEは単独で$15で売られているものなので  社員かバイトがぱくって知らん振り ・人*差別? 他に納得できそうな意見があったら教えてください。w 問題が起こるのは仕方が無いとして誠意を持った対応ができないというのは致命的ですね。海外から・・・というかGAMESTOPから購入の際はお気をつけください。 I've been using Gamestop for about 10 years and it is my first time I've encountered this type of issue. A couple of possible reasons I could think of is that: due to myself being an international customer they didn't really care about me as a customer. or due to the Imperial Edition Exclusive Code being sold at $15 one of the employees or workers may have stolen the code and sent it to me blank, thinking that I wouldn't raise the issue. I understand that mistakes like this could happen... what I don't understand is why they're unable or unwilling to support me under good faith on their mistake. If you're an international customer and thinking of buying from Gamestop I wanted to inform you all of the difficulty I'm having when a problem like this happens.


