(1)米国大統領選挙は、仮想通貨ポートフォリオではなく、あなたにとって重要 The US Presidential Election Matters for You, Not Your Crypto Portfolio
The US Presidential Election Matters for
You, Not Your Crypto Portfolio
I said everything I needed to say about politics in my June post, What Will Save Crypto?
Mark Helfman
Published in Coinmonks
What Will Save Crypto?
If price, technology, and utility won’t do it, send in the clowns!
This month, I’ll tell you why the US election will not matter for your crypto portfolio — and, for US readers, suggest what you can do with your presidential vote.
If I ever decide to commit a non-violent crime, I will run for public office first.
That way, when somebody accuses me of wrongdoing, I can say they are making up bogus charges motivated by political partisanship to destroy me because I threaten their power by “standing up for the people.” Instantly, I’ll have at least 40 million people on my side.
そうすれば、誰かが私を悪事で告発するとき、私が「人々のために立ち上がる」ことで彼らの権力を脅かすため、政治的党派心に動機付けられた偽の告発をでっち上げていると言えるのです。すぐに、少なくとも4000万人の人々を味方につけることができます。A republic, if you can keep it
As Aesop said, they hang the petty thieves and promote the great ones to high office.
You don’t believe me? Look around.
I’ll give you an old example: Jim Traficant.
古い例を挙げましょう: ジム・トラフィカント。
(I know better than to call out my contemporaries.)
Traficant was elected to Congress afteradmitting — in court — to taking bribes while he served as sheriff for his home county.
As a Congressman, he was later indicted for bribery, embezzlement of campaign funds, and other felonies.
After his conviction, it took Congress three months to expel him.
Yes, they let a convict serve for three months. Was there an important bill that somebody needed his vote for? Some fundraiser that they needed him to attend before they gave him the boot?
はい、彼らは罪人に3ヶ月務めさせました。誰かが彼の投票を必要としている重要な法案があったのか? 彼らが彼を追い出す前に、彼に出席させる必要があった何かの募金活動?
He ran for another term from prison as a write-in candidate — and still won 15% of the votes. Upon his release from prison, his constituents threw him a party.
He stole their money and sold their votes, but they loved him anyway.
At least he didn’t shoot anybody on 5th Avenue!
少なくとも、彼は5番街で誰も撃たなかった! (「たとえ、5番街で人を撃ったとしても支持を失わない。」と言ったドナルド・トランプ発言に由来)Three sides to every story
すべての物語の3つの側面Alas, I am not petty, great, a thief, or a politician. I am a Bitmoji who writes a cryptocurrency newsletter.
But, having worked in Congress during my 20s, I’ve seen some things. I’ve also seen what voters say and think about people I know personally and events I was involved in. There is a massive disconnect between opinion and reality on both ends of the political spectrum.
Next month, the US will hold a presidential election. At that time, we will vote not for a presidential candidate but foran impression of the candidate we see on TV and at campaign events, read about in newspapers and blogs, and hear about from our friends and family.
Like Plato’s shadows on the cave wall, our impressions will reflect only whatever somebody chooses to show us. Modern politics overwhelms us with images crafted and cultivated to fit what we want to see rather than the truth. We latch onto the fragment of reality that we
perceive. We never see the full picture.
Outside of a few insiders, nobody has enough information to make an informed decision about anybody they vote for. I certainly don’t.
Who’s good? Who’s bad?
You may think the answers are obvious. Often, it’s not so easy to tell.
For example, Congressman Tom Emmer, one of crypto’s most powerful advocates in Congress. He’s the guy who yelled at SEC Chairman Gary Gensler for missing the FTX fraud, among other grievances.
Tom and Gary, the new cat and mouse
Did you know FTX was one of the biggest donors to Tom Emmer’s campaign and gave almost $3 million to the GOP’s Congressional Leadership Fund while Emmer was in charge of it?
Did you also know that Emmer was one of several Congresspeople who wrote a letter to Gensler asking him to stop investigating FTX (among other crypto entities)?
Have you ever asked Emmer how he feels about protecting a scam? Taking money from a fraudster? Did he give the money back? Do you not care because Emmer says nice things about crypto and criticizes people you dislike? Because he shares your views on crypto?
エマーに詐欺を防ぐことについてどう思っているか聞いたことがありますか? 詐欺師からお金を奪うこと? 彼はそお金を返しましたか? エマーが仮想通貨について良いことを言い、あなたが嫌いな人々を批判するからといって、あなたは気にしませんか? 彼が仮想通貨についてのあなたの見解を共有しているからですか?
That doesn’t let Gensler off the hook. I’ve said enough about him.
だからといって、ゲンスラーが手を緩めるわけではない。彼についてはもう十分言ってきました。Smooth talk and flattery
巧みな話術とお世辞Does that mean you shouldn’t consider personal character when voting? You should only care about who will get you what you want?
それは、投票するときに個人的な性格を考慮するべきではないということか? あなたが望むものを誰が与えてくれるかだけを気にすべきなのか?
That’s not for me to say. Vote for whomever you want for whatever reason you want.
If that reason includes seeing your crypto portfolio go up, your vote may not matter as much as you think.
We know that for US-based cryptobusinesses, a lot of people suffered for no good reason because Biden’s regulators took a bizarre, counterproductive approach to crypto. VCs did ok,
but even they are running out of people willing to buy overpriced tokens for projects that have atrocious tokenomics and astronomical valuations.
At the same time, some projects benefited from the talent and money fleeing the US (or not going there to begin with). Thousands of new projects have been launched. Hundreds more are waiting for market conditions to improve.
同時に、一部のプロジェクトは、才能とお金が米国から逃げること (またはそもそも米国に行かなかった) から、恩恵を受けました。何千もの新しいプロジェクトが立ち上げられました。さらに数百人が市場の状況が改善するのを待っています。
Oddly enough, crypto is bigger under Biden now than it was under Trump and Obama. Since Biden took office, Bitcoin’s price has reached several all-time highs, with weaker drawdowns than previous presidents.
奇妙なことに、バイデン政権下では、トランプ氏やオバマ氏の時代よりも仮想通貨が値上がりしています。バイデンが就任して以来、ビットコインの価格は過去の大統領よりも弱い値下がりで、いくつかの史上最高値に達しました。Fun fact: Bitcoin’s biggest gains came under Obama.
おもしろい事実: ビットコインの最大r利益はオバマの下で来た。
It’s fair to question whether that growth came because of Biden or in spite of Biden.
You could argue that crypto would’ve done even better WITHOUT Biden, though it’s pure speculation. We have no evidence that US presidents or US policies affect crypto prices. If you find any evidence, leave it as a comment below.
バイデンがいなければ、仮想通貨はさらにうまくいっただろうと主張することも可能だろうが、それは単なる憶測です。米国の大統領や米国の政策が仮想通貨価格に影響を与えたという証拠はありません。何か証拠を見つけたなら、末尾にコメントとして残してください。Bottom line: a hostile US administration couldn’t keep crypto down.
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