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Kleine Erfrischung

Kleine Erfrischung

Figures of Naef

Figures of Naef / Figuren von Naef

Naef Spiel AG is a manufacture of blocks and toys. Its blocks includes very unusual ones: for example, the Naef-Spiel, its first and the most wellknown set of blocks, forms a butterflies; but because of the shape, it is much easier and it has also a variety of ways to pile up. Its blocks are very crafted.
Since about five years ago when I first met its blocks, they have fascinated me very much. From my childhood, I have been interested in Unit Origami. So, when I began to fold paper again recently, I thought I would make those figures. The below is some of my works.

If you are unfamilier to Naef Spiel, visit its website to see the real blocks and toys.
If you are very familier to Naef Spiel, why don't you try some quiz before you look at my gallery below?

Comments are welcome!


Die Naef Spiel AG ist der Hersteller von den Baukloetzen und Spielzeugen. Ihre Baukloetzen sind kein gewoelicher Kloetze. Die Figuren von den Kloetze sind sehr einzig. Zum Beispiel, das Neaf-Spiel, das der erste und beruemtesten Kloetze ist, formt einen Schmetterling. Seit etwa fuenf Jahren haben die Figuren mich fasziniert. Shon alls Kind habe ich mich fuer Unit Origami interessiert, moechte ich neuerdings Papier falten, um die Figuren zu machen, Unten ist ein Teil von minen Werken.

Wenn Sie fuer die Naef Spiel AG nicht vertraut sind, besuchen Sie ihre Homepage, um ihre Baukloetzen und Spielzeugen zu sehen.
Wenn Sie fuer die Naef Spiel AG gut vertraut sind, warum nicht versuchen Sie die Quiz, bevor Sie meine Galerie unten sehen?

Kommentare sind Willkommen!

cubicus1 Designed by Peer Clahsen, and manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Original Cubicus (Naef Spiel AG)

Weblog von 22/08/06 (completed)

agon1 Designed by Fred Voss, and manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Original Agon (Naef Spiel AG)

Weblog von 11/09/06 (completed)
Weblog von 30/08/06 (Four pieces finished.)

tria02 Designed by Peer Clahsen, manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.
The original Tria is made up from 12 pieces: three pieces of four different sizes. My works consists two smaller sizes only.

Weblog von 02/10/06 (completed)
Weblog von 28/09/06 (two pieces finished)
Weblog von 27/09/06 (in the process of assembling units)

The original Tria is no longer on sale. You can see the original one on the Homepage of aki5555.
Star of four Tria
weihnacht_stern01 This star is made from smallest pieces of Tria. Can you make it? Prepare four small pieces, and glue the square sides of each two pieces. (Four pieces. If you try using the real Tria, you need at least two sets!)
(To see a shape of the smallest piece, see

This star, which looks somewhat similar to the Naef-Spiel, gets along very well with the Naef-Spiel. When you pile the Naef-Spiel up in the simplest way, the two blocks engage firmly, but there remains a tiny spaces. If you put this star onto the Naef-Spiel block, however, the star fits into the shape of Naef-Spiel closely. This fact might be not surprizing because both blocks are cut 45 and 90 degree angles, but it still gives me pleasure.
The several collaborations of the (real) Naef-Spiel and (origami) Tria are shown here.

Bauhaus Schachfiguren (Koenig und Dame)
schachspiel01 The Bauhaus Schachfiguren und Schachbrett were designed by Josef Hartwig, and first manufactured by Bauhaus. They were manufactured and sold by Naef Spiel AG at present.

The chess pieces of Bauhaus are extremely simple and elegant. I made a king and a queen using origami. The head of the king is a sphere, but to make a sphere from origami paper is difficult as you know, so I used a cuboctahedron instead. (So, the head looks larger than the original one.) I would like to whole pieces, but I don't have a good idea how to fold a knight so far. To see the original figures, click here! (Although this is a website of a Japanese shop, I think the photo is the clearest.)

Original Schachfiguren (Naef Spiel AG)

Weblog von 16/10/06 (completed)

diavo02 Diavo was designed by Fred Voss, and has been manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Diavo consists of four pieces, each of which is a combination of a triangular prism and a rectangular parallelepiped. The real diavo is colored red and blue. See the web page of protwo.

Weblog von 11/10/06 (the shape of a piece)
Weblog von 26/11/06 (completed)

(just two pieces of) Gradus
weihnacht_kerze02 Gradus was designed by Kurt Naef, and has been manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Diavo consists of seventeen pieces, but I made only two of them so as to make an ornament for Chiristmas. Put a small red piece a little tilted on the large one, then doesn't it look like a candle?

Weblog von 04/12/06

Vivo (improved)
weihnacht_klingel01 Vivo was designed by Yasuo Aizawa, and has been manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Weblog von 08/12/06

(the second smallest piece of) Diamant
weihnachtskranz01 Diamant was designed by Peer Clahsen, and manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Weblog von 11/12/06

The below works are failures, so I need improve.

Die Werke unten sind fehlerhaft, und vielleicht muss ich verbessern.

naefspiel1 Designed by Kurt Naef, manufactured by Naef Spiel AG. This is not a Unit Origami, but is made of a long rectangle paper.

Weblog von 25/08/06

vivo_manque Designed by Yasuo Aizawa, manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Weblog von 13/09/06

(a piece of) Zeta
stechpalme01 Zeta is manufactured by Naef Spiel AG.

Weblog von 14/12/06

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