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Kleine Erfrischung

Kleine Erfrischung

Polyhedra / Polyeder

Polyhedra / Polyeder

Although I usually make polyhedra using origami paper, the following works are NOT origami.

Comments are welcome!

A Partition of Tetrahedron
The Cubicus and Diamant are one of the most elegant blocks designed by Peer Clahsen and producted by Naef AG. These are beautiful partition of a cube and an octahedron, respectively. I was inspired by them, and tried to find a similar partition of a tetrahedron.

tetrahedron11 tetrahedron07

These are ten pieces of blocks which compose a tetrahedron. Since I do not have technique of woodwork, they are made of paper instead of wood. As a set of blocks, these seem harder to build up. The following pictures are how they can be built. Because of their angle, it seems hard to build up. First I made two kinds of “stands,” which help us build.

tetrahedron10 tetrahedron05 tetrahedron06 tetrahedron09

However, I found a way to build them up without the stands. Using the largest piece and the second smallest piece, they can stand only with their own edges.

tetrahedron11 tetrahedron12

And I can build the remaining pieces like these!

tetrahedron13 tetrahedron14 tetrahedron15 tetrahedron16 tetrahedron17

Tetrahedron Rattle

rattle_tetrahedron A tetraherdon rattle I made of small cloth and cotton, put a tiny bell inside. It has been one of my son's favorites, perhaps because it is easy to grasp. (Though usual rattles are difficult for babies to picked up off the floor, it always has three edges off the floor.) It has been squashed in a bag with feeding bottles, sucked, bitten, flung and crushed in a hand by my son, so it got dirty; but it still keeps the shape, and is still his favorite.
Weblog von 24/08/06

Rhombic-Triacontahedron Ball

ball01 This is made of 30 rhombic pieces of cloth, which two diagonal lines are proportional to the golden rate. I used three colored cloth. To attract my child, I should have choose brighter colors,,,,

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