公園でひどい雷雨に遭いました。傘は持っていたけれど、役に立たないくらい。そのうちカミナリも鳴り出して。When I was on a playground with my three-year-old son, it suddenly started raining. The downpour was heavy, so our umbrellas were useless. We took shelter in a summerhouse in the park.カミナリっていうと怖がる子供もいるけれど、うちのは表情一つ変えません。「今日は、かみなりちゃん、どうしちゃったんだろうねぇ・・・」Soon, it thundered, but the thunder didn't scare my son. "What do you think happened to Kaminari-chan?" he asked me.だるまちゃんとかみなりちゃん [ 加古里子 ]こちらはうちの子の愛読書の一つ。ある日、だるまちゃんが散歩に出かけると雨が降ってきて、すごい音とともに、かみなりちゃんが空から落ちてきます。この出だしのシーンが次男のお気に入り。実は、空の上のプールで高飛込みをしたかみなりちゃん、プールの底を突き抜けて、空からまっさかさま。プールの水が雨に、プールの底を突き抜ける音が雷鳴になったらしいです。"Daruma-chan and Kaminari-chan" written by Satoshi Kako is one of his favorite books. Kaminari-chan, which means thunder, lives in the clouds. One day he fell down from the sky and met Daruma-chan. He was trying a high dive in a swimming pool in the clouds. He jumped very high, so he crashed through the pool. The crash became the thunder, and the water in the pool became the downpour. My son especially likes this scene. Every time it rains, he believes Kaminari-chan broke another swimming pool. いつまでも止まない雨を見ながら、「今日はかみなりちゃん、大きなプールを壊したみたいねぇ」確かに・・・。"The pool he broke today seems enormous," he said. そういえば、雨が降り出す前に、遊具の上に3cmくらいのカエルを見つけました。By the way, we found a tiny tree frog just before the rain began.灰色だけれど、ニホンアマガエルのようです。ニホンアマガエル、通常は鮮やかな黄緑色をしているけれど、身を守るために、周辺にあわせた色になることができます(保護色)。周辺にあわせた・・・コンクリートかな?遊具の上に置いたら赤とか黄色に・・・・っていうのはさすがに無理かな。草の上に置いたらちゃんと緑に戻るんだろうか?It was about 3cm long, and gray. It must have been a Japanese tree frog, which is normally green. Tree frogs sometimes change their color with environment in order to protect themselves. Has the one we found lived on a concrete wall and turned gray??