handmade服・雑貨 英語de日記




つい最近のこと。 子供をつれて帰省した妹。 ひさびさの実家、ほっとするのもつかの間であった…。 妹は母を手伝おうかなぁなんて思ったらしく、 パンを焼くため、オーブントースターを開ける。 中に入っていたトレーと持ち手を出す。 持ち手の空洞から、なにかが出て…きた ム ・ カ ・ デ (大)!! 妹は絶叫とともに、それらを台所シンクへ放り投げた。(後は母が…。) なぜ?。 あまりの信じられないシチュエーション。 トースターの使用頻度は高い。 まるでホラーかサスペンスのようだ…。 一応弁明しますが、築年数は経っているけど、ごく普通の住宅。  でも、夏に時々出現したゴキ。 あれともしかして関係あるの?…そんなわけないよねぇ。 The happening My sister and her children came to her parents' house after a long time, so she was reraxing very much. But she had to change soon. She wanted to help her mother to cook breakfast. She opened the toaster oven, and took out of a tray with a thing of taking out it from there. And then, something comes out from that thing's incide. It's a big centipede!! My sister screamed and threw it out the sink.(It was managed by mother) How unbeliebable situation is! We are using the toaster oven in high frequency. So I can't understand that. As if it were an horror film or a suspense story. Our house is a little old, but it isn't an abnormal. However, Is there what relations to see some cockroaches in our house?


