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日本語で書いたものを、いつもお願いしているところで英訳してもらい、 さらにTくんに手を入れてもらった。 私の現状をよく知っているTくんには、 「ここは、もう少し丁寧な説明が必要なんじゃないか?」 と指摘してくれ、追記してくれる。 今回、Tくんがいちばん気にしたのは、 「J2のカターレ富山」のところ。 「J2」の説明が、「in division 2 of J League」ではそのまま過ぎる…と。 読み手の立場に立って、デンマークでのカテゴリーを示してあげるとわかりやすいとのことで、 「as Danish 1st Division in Denmark」を「in division 2 of J League」のあとにカッコ書きすることになった。 調べたからわかったのだが、 建物の階数の数え方が日本と異なるのと同じで、 日本のJ2は、デンマークでは「Danish 1st Division」になるようで。 説明を加えなかったら、「日本の3部リーグのカターレ富山」になるところだった。。 笑えないよっ。 ------------------------------ Dear Jette & Ole, How have you been? One year has passed since I moved to the neighboring Ishikawa Prefecture from Toyama Prefecture. I am perfectly fine again, as my commuting time has become much shorter. I regained my strength and was able to reach the top of Mt. Tsubakuro in Nagano Prefecture in last July. It is a 2,763 mountain and my long-cherished wish came true. By the way, I watched KATALLER TOYAMA's soccer game for the first time in last August and have been into their games since then. I watched their home game six times. KATALLER TOYAMA, the soccer team in Toyama, is in division 2 of J League (as Danish 1st Division in Denmark). In next season, I plan to watch not only all their games played at home stadium, but also their away games. Well, it would be wonderful if it is possible for me to sightsee whenever I watch their away games. Since I have been into soccer too much, I failed to execute other plans. I was unable to write my essay part III and gave up taking a jog which my co-worker and I began last spring. But I never thought that I would find soccer so exciting at my age. I feel that soccer would give me more and more fulfilling days in my life. I truly wish both of you health and happiness. Sincerely, (手書きで名前をサイン) ------------------------------ お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2012年12月16日 16時21分44秒