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Movie Info: April 6th, 1917. As a regiment assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that will stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap;
genre: War;
duration: 119 m;
countries: Spain;
294599 vote;
9,2 / 10






I cant wait to see if E.T comes back to help and say hi to that boy, and if he remembers him now that's hes grown up.
So much of hard works for a single minute.
“ I only have one question. who is JUMANJI! Is that barbras boy?were gonna die. I knew it. Are we in hell.
Lol it was hilarious in movie when he accidentally hit that guy while running against the trenches, because the guy he ran into just never got back up, just looked like he died on the spot.
Χίλια εννιακόσια δεκαοκτώ.
CAnt wait for the sequel - 1918.
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8:59 Wilson from Battlefield 1.
Important film. It affected Australia in ways that are with us a century later.

It'll be interesting to see how an entire movie filmed to appear as one continuous shot will feel to view. Outlaw King had about a 10-15 minute long continuous shot from the start and it felt a little discombobulating.
Is this reviewer the same dude from CineFix.
This movie is by no means better then saving private Ryan it is slow there are 2 action scenes and and there are less then 20 shots fired from the 2 men who are delivering a message most of it is walking with heavy breathing there are a few points that did get me a little bit interested but for me I was hoping for more this is not for everyone and and I will not be watching this again.

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I believe Victoria (2015) mentioned at 3:55 is a movie with one single take.
That why i don't watch today's movies anymore, only old classic and porn.
I woulda guessed he is a jarhead. Respect to him though, he's at least knowledgeable and his presentation is interesting.
Wow What a Movie,Thanks to the uploader...
I noticed a lot of mistakes in this when I watch it on Saturday.
Why are the guards speaking with Russian accents but they are supposed to be in South Africa.
Communist being communist, what else is new? Funny how we have a separation between Church and State law, but nothing about anti-commie laws. Sounds like the separation of certain beliefs from State was to make it easier for others to seep in & influence in its stead.

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2:45 the guy smacking into the plane 🤣.
Girl: Im on my period. Jocko Willink: No factor, Ill take the back road. Give me some support on insta. BabysBurgersHouston.
Amei pra Caralho, já quero.
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“A hero is a hero, but everyone loves a good villain”.
Definitely seeing 1917 in IMAX. I hope that it's presented in the expanded aspect ratio (1.90:1) in IMAX like Skyfall and Blade Runner 2049.
I am so happy they are exploring world war one in media now.
Five minutes in and he's still just reading the credits. are these the ten things I missed.
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This is one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen brilliant.
ΧίλιΠΕννιÎκόσιΠΔεκÎεπi v e.
Extremely calming female voiceover We have captured objective Edwards.
Spoilers! Jeremy kept on saying “he” rather than “they”, good thing I didnt think anything of it.
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Should I ore order Should I pre order Should I pre order Should I pre order Should I pre order Ok I'll pre order.

Last night COL Ferry and I (COL Coldwell, both USA) were able to watch the new WWI film, 1917, before it has national release. It is a cinematographic feast for the eyes, long expansive shots that follow the protagonists as they execute their mission. It does not hide the horrors that existed in trench warfare, it shows them for their brutality and abundance. (My great uncle died as a consequence of his service fighting in the trenches, mustard gas poisoning. In many ways it reminded me of Saving Private Ryan.

For those who have served in combat (I have deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan) I cannot tell you if the film will be too difficult to watch, it might well be, especially if incoming artillery is a trigger. For me, as the camera travels a few inches above the dirt advancing slowly up a berm, my response was visceral. I was taken back to the patrols we walked in Afghanistan, not knowing what was around the corner; not relaxing heightened vigilance, not knowing if there would be an IED, a child wearing a suicide vest, a sniper taking aim. For the protagonists in this film (as for all who served and are serving) surviving the climb up the berm, there is no sigh of relief, no respite from the fear of uncertainty. They (we) survive to move forward to face more uncertainty.

Watching allowed me to pay homage to my great uncle, and the approximate 800,000 other Brits who were killed or died as a consequence of their service. (Germany lost over 2 million soldiers in the war. Estimates put the total casualty numbers for both military and civilians at 40 million, half killed or died from wounds/infection.

I rate this film as 10/10, for many reasons. Directing, acting, set design, cinematography, musical score, the raw emotion it invokes. Some critics have said they never felt a connection with the characters, I suspect they never served in combat. While the brotherhood (including female War Fighters) is strong, there is also a common characteristic possessed by all War Fighters, the ability to focus on a mission and suppress emotion, even as those around the Fighter fall. This was the quality I recognized in the actors and why the viewer doesn't "bond" with the main protagonists; we, the viewer, were on the mission with them, we grieve as we can and move on.

Watch if you will, but know there is no pleasure in watching and the film will grab you and the beginning and not let you go. Even though we know the outcome of WWI, there is no joy, there is no peace. Watch because it will allow you a glimpse at the horror and brutality of war; reflect on their service and sacrifice. Note, as we (the viewer) are "walking" through the trenches, glancing shots of the young soldiers shows them with flat affect, isolation, almost apathy; this is the face of "shell shock, what we know call post-traumatic stress disorder.

For original WW1 footage, watch "They Shall Never Grow Old, an exceptional documentary.

The entire movie made to look like it's shot at one single take, this is possible because of extraordinary talented 14 times Academy Award nominee cinematographer Roger Deakins. This man is a genius, the movie is shot beautifully. it is mesmerizing to a watch world war 1 movie like it is happening right in front of you. The pacing is phenomenal. The only real flaw in the movie is that there are no great character building movements like other war movies but that is also intentional because, the main intention or motive is to save lives and not focus on characters in the movie and that works.

Great music, acting, directing, effect, photography, and editing. its faults are normal and very few dialogues, and the firs act was normal compared to the second and third. sam mendes deserves the best director (golden globs. as for the film, it was later.


This is a good piece.















Last updated  2020.06.16 07:24:45
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