わたしのブログ by fjfj10


英141 I'm beat.「疲れた」

he stops in his tracks「その場で、ただちに」... Charo backs away「後ずさりする」... Shota can tell Charo is afraid「怯えているのを察し」... he slowly walks over「ゆっくり近づく」... The Middle World sure is a strange place「本当に不思議なところだね」... Sunlight is shining in「朝日が差し込んでいた」... Sure is.「本当だとも」... It's down by the river.「川の方だよ。」... just stand there in disbelief「呆然と立ちつくした」 Ecclesiastes 1:6 えくれじあすとぅ「伝道の書」The wind is going to the south, and it is circling around to the north. Round and round it is continually circling, and right back to its circlings the wind is returning. 風は南に進み,循環して北に向かう。絶えず循環を繰り返しながら,風はその循環に帰ってゆく。 ***youtube***  


